Its About Thyme
Animal Kingdom
Back To Black and White
Get Your Motor Runnin'
Thus Saith The Lord

This herb is a natural breath freshener, and is one of the most common herbs used as garnish.

What is Parsley?


This is the only bird that can fly backwards, and beats its wings at 70 flaps per second.

What is a Hummingbird?


This poor family from the 30's have multiple business ventures, including a sawmill.

Who are The Waltons?


This truck is one of the least reliable, yet is the most popular of all time.

What is the Ford F-150?


This was the first person to eat of the forbidden fruit.

Who is Eve?


One of three most popular spices, it is known for its tangy flavor and yellow color.

What is Mustard?


This bear has distinct black skin, in stark contrast to its domain.

What is a Polar Bear.


Most actors on this show were Jewish, despite portraying Nazis.

What is Hogan's Heroes?


This is the most common car color, and is notoriously hard to keep clean.

What is White?


The construction of this building caused everyone to begin speaking different languages.

What is the Tower of Babel?


This is the worlds most expensive spice, costing somewhere between $500 and $5,000 per pound. 

What is Saffron?


This odd mammal lays eggs, and instead of nipples, they ooze milk from their skin.

What is a Platupus?


This is the first show to have reruns, to account for the female star's pregnancy.

What is I Love Lucy?

These indicators were invented in 1905, to prevent accidents that occur primarily at night.

What are Brake Lights?


This is the third longest living man in the Bible, at 950 years.

Who is Noah?


This abundant herb was used in Ancient Egypt to create embalming fluid.

What is Thyme?


This bird is one of the most intelligent, being able to speak, use tools and remember faces.

What is a Crow?


The death of JFK is forever immortalized in the opening of this series, showing flags at half mast.

What is Gilligan's Island?


The average car contains 50 pounds of this conductive material.

What is Copper?


The name of this important city translates to "house of bread"

What is Bethlehem?


This sour herb was once commonly used in witchcraft.

What is Dill?


This is the only marsupial native to North America.

What is a Opossum/Possum?


This character, from The Andy Griffith Show was only contracted for one episode, but the executive producer loved his performance so kept him on the show.

Who is Barney Fife?


This is the highest selling car in the world. Created in 1966, it is one of the most affordable and reliable cars ever made.

What is the Toyota Corolla?


Every Bible verse that Jesus used against Satan while in the wilderness was from this book.

What is the Book of Deuteronomy?