Climate, Language, Geography
Education System
Leisure, Music, and Food
Wo ist Bayern? [Translation: Where is Bavaria?]
Bavaria is a southern state of Germany. It is mountainous.

Can you name a well known car company from Bavaria?
Who is in charge of education?
Each state runs its own education system.
Children are required to attend 9 years of schooling by law starting at age 3.
Was ist Schweinshaxe?
Roasted Pig Knuckle

How is religion celebrated in Bavaria?
As of 2010 54.4% of Bavarians are Roman Catholic.
20.4% of the population adheres to the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Muslims make up 4.0% of the population of Bavaria.
21.2% of Bavarians are irreligious or adhere to other religions, including Protestantism.
What language(s) do they speak in Bavaria?
In Bavaria they speak Bavarian, which is a dialect of High German. Standard German is also spoken in the highly populated areas such as Munich.
Bavaria is known to have a Social Market Economy. What does that mean?
The Trade Fairs held in Bavaria are examples of social marketing. Other fairs have been in held, not only in Bavaria, but throughout Germany as well, strengthening tourism and the economy.
What is an elementary school called in Bavaria?
- Grundschule
- Choice of 4
- Vocational/University/Specialized School

What do you see and hear?
Oompa Music und Bier!
How do Bavarians differ from "Germans"?
Bavarians consider themselves to be informal and laid back in comparison to the stereotypical "German". Until recently, Bavarians considered themselves to be Bavarian first, and German second.
Compared to Canada, what is the climate like in Bavaria?
It's a bit warmer.

How are businesses similar to the school system?
How is school set up in terms of time?
The School Day: Classes normally start between 7:15 and 8:15 and can end between noon and 2:00pm. Classes are usually 45 minutes and students get a break between periods.

The School Year:The School Year: The school year consists of two semesters and normally starts around the middle to end of August. There are longer breaks at Christmas (2 wks) and in the summer (6 wks), and shorter breaks around Easter and in Autumn.
What do Bavarians do for fun?
Festivals Galore!

- Oktoberfest
- Sandkerwa (Beer & Wine Festival)
- Festivals celebrating events in history
- Chriskindlmarkt (Christmas Market)

There are many old traditions, often based on the catholic church which are lively celebrated in traditional costumes.In the villages in rural regions you can find clubs to maintain the traditional music and costumes. They organize festivals and invite other clubs for dancing and singing according to their traditions.
What are Bavarian customs and traditions rooted in?
Bavaria became a part of Germany in 1871. Most Bavarians today accept that they are a part of Germany, however, similar to the French in Canada, the idea of separatism was popular throughout the 19th and 20th century.
What are some major cities in Bavaria?
Munich and Nuremberg are two major cities of Bavaria.
What is the currency used in Bavaria?
The Euro. Current exchange 1.3
What about higher education?
Classical Universities usually require 6 years for a BA with no specialties.
What do you see?
Sheldon Cooper wearing Lederhosen.
A pretzel
The Bavarian Flag
Oompa music
Standard German
Bavarians are rooted in their past and their traditions. What can we do as educators if a student carried these characteristics in our classrooms?