Arrhythmia Management
You have a patient with a mechanical mitral valve being treated with Coumadin for anticoagulation, what is their goal INR?
Which of the following explains the most common pathophysiology of acute ST elevation MI a. Plaque rupture in coronary artery leading to transmural occlusion b. Thromboembolus formed in atrium due to a-fib becoming lodged in coronary artery c. Coronary vasospasm d. Coronary dissection from increased blood pressure
What is the primary treatment for sinus tachycardia?
Treat the underlying cause Pain, anxiety, fever, sepsis, dehydration, hyperthyroidism, PE, shock
Describe the quality and location of an aortic stenosis murmur
Crescendo decrescendo at 2nd at 2nd ICS RSB
Calcium channel blockers: What are the physiologic affects of Amlodipine versus Cardizem?
Dihydropyradine: Amlodipine, nifedipine; primarily vasodilation Non-dihydropyradine: Diltiazem, Cardizem (mix); AV node blocking and negative inotropy
In addition to ST elevations in contiguous leads, what other ECG findings do you expect to see in a STEMI
Reciprocal ST depressions
What medication is often used for treatment of hemodynamically stable ventricular tachycardia
Amiodarone Bolus + drip
A 19 year old male comes into your office after passing out suddenly during a rugby match. You note a systolic murmur along the right and left sternal borders. What techniques can you utilize to support your most likely diagnosis
Accentuate murmur: Valsalva Lessen murmur: Squat down HOCM murmur
Which Beta Blockers have mortality benefit and are indicated for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction?
Metoprolol (succinate), Carvedilol, Bisoprolol
ST Elevations in V1 and V2 signify occlusion of which coronary artery?
Left axis deviation
Patient's with a left anterior fasicular block will have what changes on axis
You and your patient with atrial fibrillation decide to schedule electrical cardioversion to restores sinus rhythm. What are two ways to prevent the risk of thrombo-embolization after conversion
Anticoagulate for 4 weeks prior to cardioversion or TEE cardioversion
You are listening to a murmur on a patient with aortic stenosis. How might this affect the sound of S2?
Paradoxical splitting
This electrolyte abnormality can increase the risk of Digoxin toxicity
A patient receives a drug eluting stent, what are two medications that are crucial to maintaining a patent stent
Aspirin + 2nd anti platelet agent P2Y12 inhibitor (Ticagrelor, Prasugrel, Clopidogrel)
What findings on ECG suggest a right axis deviation
What electrolyte abnormalities are associated with Torsades De Pointes? Why?
In a patient with fever, new murmur, and shortness of breath in whom you suspect endocarditis, what are two important questions to ask them about to support your diagnosis?
IV drug abuse Recent dental procedures History of valve replacement
You are seeing a patient in the office who will be started on amiodarone for prevention of ventricular arrhythmia. What laboratory work should be checked prior to initiation and periodically
Thyroid function tests, LFT's, PFT's, opthalmic exams
A 40 year old male comes in to the ED anxious and complaining of chest pain after snorting cocaine 1 hour ago. ECG shows ST elevation in V1, V2 with ST depressions in I and aVL. Vital signs: BP 168/90, HR 110, RR 22, O2 92% Which medication that is often given in ACS should be avoided in this patient
Beta blockers
What is the normal QRS duration? PR duration?
120 ms, 200 ms
You have a patient in a-fib with rapid ventricular response with rates 120-150 with BP of 88/45 and appears very lethargic, what is the appropriate treatment at this time
D/C cardioversion
How does a right bundle branch block affect the timing of A2 and P2
S2 splitting, P2 occurs later due to prolonged RV depolarization