this is the definition of which vocab word:
gaps in a line of defense
which sentence best illustrates the meaning of bypassed?
he took the road that led around around the traffic jam
he played with his brother but wanted to play with his friend
he took the road that led around around the traffic jam
From the text, what are some examples of Biometrics?
finger prints, eye scans, facial patterns, heart beats, or DNA
Name one example of how someone can trick the system with your own Biometrics.
using a photograph
using modeling clay to copy your fingerprint
what is my last name?
this is the definition of what word:
gained illegal access to private information
which sentence best illustrates the meaning of vulnerabilities?
She was lifting weights and did not ask for help.
She expressed her feelings to her mom about what she was struggling with.
She expressed her feelings to her mom about what she was struggling with.
True or false
Biometrics are reliable
Name one perceived advantage of Biometrics.
Easy to use
Use someone unique features
What is my first name?
this is the definition of what word:
gotten around or avoided
Which word is a synonym to breach?
smooth over
Biometrics are unreliable. why?
body measurements can change
what is the primary purpose of the uses of biometrics?
opening documents
creating solar energy
protection of securities and information
protection of securities and information
What is my favorite color?
this is the definition of which word:
areas of weakness
what is a synonym for hacked?
bring about
find a way in
It's easy to replace a password. why would someone stealing your biometrics be bad?
you cannot replace your biometrics: fingerprints, eyes, etc.
What type of article is this?
What is my favorite animal?
what is a synonym (similar word) to vulnerabilities?
tell me the definition of
gotten around or avoided
What liberties are you at risk of losing if your biometrics are stolen?
right to privacy
right to keep your ideas private
Look back in the text and give me one piece of evidence that supports:
the security risks of biometrics outweigh the benefits
paragraph 3 - biometrics can be unreliable
paragraph 4 - Facial recognition is not foolproof either...biometric security can be tricked using just a photo
paragraph 5 - you can't replace your fingerprints, eyes, etc.
paragraph 6 - you can lose your fundamental liberties - right to privacy
What are the names of my two twin boys?
Owen and Oliver