Name that Dx
Name That Theorist
Defense Mechanisms
Name that Med, Term, or SW Role
Name that Theory or Technique

Name the diagnosis where you experiences hallucinations, delusions, disorganized, incoherent speech, or grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior. Duration between 1day and 1 month 

What is Brief Psychotic Disorder


At this stage school age children master tasks, accomplish goals but if the child fails to advance or accomplish task then they will feel inferior or incompetent

What is Erik Erikson Stage Industry vs Inferiority?


Reverting back to a previous level of function and or safer developmental period.

What is Regression?


This SW focuses on discharge planning, short term therapy, providing education and resources. 

What is a Hospital or Medical Social Worker?


The procedure in behavior modification in which stimulus (such as food) that automatically results in response is presented repeatedly along with stimulus( such as a ring of the bell). 

What is Classical Conditioning?


A disorder with chronic unexpected, quick, impromptu, nonfluid behaviors, vocalizations, motor and vocal tics are present concurrently

What is Tourette's Disorder?


Ages 12 to Adulthood. The individual learns to accept their sexuality,  experience mature and adult feelings.

What is the Psychosexual Genital Stage and freud?


Unacceptable aspects of one own personality are rejected or attributed to another person or entity such as a parent, a colleague, or the government.

What is Projection?


the first, famous SSRI antidepressant released in january 1988 to much fanfare.

What is Prozac?


Therapy approach used to strenghten boundaries around family systems, that are too rigid, inflexible, or too emeshed.

What is Structural Family Thearpy?


A chronic need to be taken care of, resulting in submissive clinging behavior of fear of separation, abonment, or rejection, needs constant reassurance from others and very passive.

What is Dependent Personality Disorder?


Child develops a sense of trust in others through basic infancy needs being met. If not provided with this the child will become withdrawn and distrustful.

What is Erik Erikson Psychosocial Stages Trust vs Mistrust?


only thinking about very distressing things in a rational or clinical way

What is intellectualization?


The underlying cause of a problem or disorder. The study of such causes.

What is Etiology?


Crisis Occurs when old coping skills do not resolve stress adequately so you use this technique as the social worker?

What is Crisis Intervention?


This person is greatly concerned that they may behave in a inappropriate ways that would lead to rejection, embarrassment, ridicule or being offended.

What is Social Anxiety?


This theorist came up with stages of separation/individuation, focusing on infants to 24months old.

who is Mahler 


The refusal to acknowledge a aspect of reality including ones experience because its too painful or anxiety provoking.

What is Denial?


In social work practice the process of helping individuals, families, groups, and communities increase their personal, interpersonal, socioeconomic, and political strength and develop influence towards improving their circumstances. 

What is Empowerment?


a therapy that encourages patients to tell their life story to identify their values and skills, helping them live closer to those values and make hardship into resillience.  

What is narrative therapy


The preoccupation with the fear of heaving or the idea that one is affected with a serious disease or medical condition based on the individuals misinterpretation of bodily symptoms or functions 

What is Illness Anxiety Disorder?

At this stage a child will understand concrete thinking and abstract thinking such as a hypothetical thinking.

What is Piaget's Stages of Development Formal Operational Stage?


unacceptable impulses are convered into more acceptable outlets

What is sublimation?


The brand name of a psychiatric medication called chlorpromazine. It’s considered a first-generation antipsychotic medication. It makes people "shuffle".

What is Thorazine?


a brief treatment model in which the therapist focuses on finding solutions from the past to use in the present.

What is solution focused therapy?