Food & Nutrition
Menu Planning & Grocery Shopping
Meal Prep & Kitchen Clean Up
Home Cleanliness
Home Safety & Repairs

How much water should you be drinking?

The amount kids need depends on their age, body size, health, and activity level, plus the weather. Usually, kids drink something with meals and should definitely drink when they're thirsty. But if you're sick, or it's warm out or you're exercising, you'll need more. Be sure to drink some extra water when you're out in warm weather, especially while playing sports or exercising. If your pee is very light yellow, you are well hydrated. When your pee is very dark yellow, it's time to drink up.


Name 3 grocery stores.

Schnucks, Aldi, Sams, Costo, etc.


How long can you keep leftovers in the fridge?

Food may be refrigerated or frozen to keep it fresh. Eat refrigerated leftovers within 3 to 4 days. Frozen leftovers are safe but lose flavor when stored longer than 3 or 4 months.


How often should you wash your bed sheets and towels?



How can you prevent breaking and entering in your home?

Burglary Prevention Basics

  1. Make your home look occupied, and make it difficult to break in.
  2. Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. ...
  3. Leave lights on when you go out. ...
  4. Keep your garage door closed and locked.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is when there is not enough water in the body.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • having a dry or sticky mouth
  • peeing less and darker pee 
  • feeling dizzy and lightheaded

How many calories should you eat in a day?

An ideal daily intake of calories varies depending on age, metabolism and levels of physical activity, among other things. Generally, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men.


What are some things found on a recipe?

Recipe name, servings, nutritional analysis, time, ingredients, directions, and serving suggestions.


What are some items that should not go in the dishwasher?

  • aluminum utensils
  • cast iron
  • china (hand painted or antique)
  • crystal
  • cutlery
  • decorated glassware
  • hollow-handled knives
  • milk glass
  • pewter
  • plastics
  • silver
  • wooden items

What should you do if there is a fire in your home?

Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number. Yell "Fire!" several times and go outside right away. If you live in a building with elevators, use the stairs. Leave all your things where they are and save yourself.


What are some examples of healthy snacks?

Fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy, and protein foods. Choose foods that have 3 grams of fiber or more, and protein-rich foods, such as peanut butter or low-fat yogurt or cheese. Avoid snacks that are high in sugar, salt, and fat.  


What is a serving size?

An amount of food, such as 1 cup of cereal, 2 cookies, or 5 pretzels.  


What is the first thing you should do before cooking?

Wash your hands!

A big part of safe cooking is keeping the chef and the kitchen clean. The idea is to keep germs, which can make you sick, out of your food. Be sure to wash your hands before and after handling raw meat, poultry, egg, and fish products because these foods can contain bacteria.You also can fight germs by keeping your working surfaces (like countertops and cutting boards) clean and dry. Wash them with soap and warm water after you're done cooking.


What are the steps for doing your laundry?

  • Follow the instructions on your laundry detergent. Use it safely and in the recommended amounts. More isn't necessarily better.

  • Follow the fabric care labels on your clothes. Those symbols contain a lot of useful information.

  • Sort your laundry by like colors and soil levels for best results.

  • Treat stains immediately and wash all clothing, towels and bedding regularly, whether they are stained or not.

  • Learn the washing machine and dryer settings in order to use them efficiently, including choosing cold water to wash and regularly emptying the lint trap in the dryer.


What are some things you should have in your home disaster kit?

  • A first-aid kit

  • Water (2 gallons per day per person)

  • Flashlights, batteries, chargers

  • A battery-operated radio

  • Non-perishable foods, such as canned foods (include a can opener), granola bars and peanut butter

  • Cups and utensils (you can pick up some inexpensive camping kits)

  • Spare clothes, and a blanket or two

  • Toys or games

  • Supplies for pets

  • Medications—if you can, try to stay ahead of your refills and keep one in the disaster kit. At the very least, take a picture of the bottle so that you know exactly what you take.

  • Tip: It's not always possible to keep things like current medications stored away, so make a checklist of everything you might need to grab quickly. You can tape the list to the top of the container, which should be a manageable size (you may need a couple of them) and in a readily accessible place in your house.


Why are vitamins important? 

Vitamins and minerals boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs. Vitamins can be found in the foods you eat!


What is an expiration date?

The date listed is an estimate of how long the food will be of optimal quality. Quality is defined as smell, taste, and texture, not as safety. Therefore, after the date listed, the food may not taste as good, but it will still be safe.


What is food posioning?

Food poisoning comes from eating foods that contain germs like bad bacteria or toxins. 


Someone who has food poisoning might have:

  • an upset stomach 
  • stomach cramps
  • diarrhea 
  • a fever

Why should you do laundry regularly?

Regular washing of clothes and bedding, helps to remove any bacteria, dirt, fleas, mites and other irritants or infection.


What should you have in a first aid kit?

The Red Cross recommends that all first aid kits for a family of four include the following:


  • 2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches) 
  • 25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes), also found within our Family First Aid Kit 
  • 1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch)
  • 5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram) 
  • 5 antiseptic wipe packets 
  • 2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each) 
  • 1 emergency blanket
  • 1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve)
  • 1 instant cold compress
  • 2 pair of nonlatex gloves (size: large)
  • 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each)
  • 1 3 in. gauze roll (roller) bandage
  • 1 roller bandage (4 inches wide) 
  • 5 3 in. x 3 in. sterile gauze pads 
  • 5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches)  
  • Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass)
  • 2 triangular bandages
  • Tweezers
  • Emergency First Aid instructions

What are some things you should look for on nutrition labels?

Serving size, calories, percent daily value, fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, and ingredients.


What are the steps in making a grocery list?

How do I make a simple grocery list?

  1. Assess your needs based on planned meals.
  2. Categorize items (produce, proteins, dairy, pantry).
  3. Write down specific items in each category.
  4. Check your inventory to avoid duplicates.
  5. Prioritize essentials.
  6. Add any coupons or discounts.
  7. Review and finalize the list.

What are some forms of measurments?

Teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, etc.


What should you remember when doing laundry?

When doing the laundry,

  • Check clothing care labels to see how the manufacturer recommends caring for the garment.
  • Match the wash cycle and water level to the load.
  • Separate colors from whites (to keep dyes from bleeding onto lighter-colored fabrics) and heavily soiled items from lightly soiled ones.
  • Use the recommended amount of detergent per load. Adjust the amount of detergent if soil, water or machine conditions are not average.

What should you remember when using a fire extinguisher?

Pull the pin.
Aim low at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the handle slowly.
Sweep the nozzle side to side.

Always put your safety first; if you are not confident in your ability to use a fire extinguisher, get out and call 9-1-1.