Church School Start time
What is Sunday @ 8:30 am CST
"To be happy in Jesus...but to "
Trust & Obey
A.M.E. acronym for
What is: African Methodist Episcopal
First & Last book of the Bible
What is Genesis & Revelation
Day and time of our Official Board meeting
What is: 1st Monday after the 1st Sunday, 6pm each Month
"Dear dying lamb, thy precious blood, shall never lose it's power"
What is: There is a fountain filled with Blood
Very first AME Church and it's location
What is : Mother Bethel AME, Philadelphia, PA
His wife turned into a pillar of Salt
Who is Lot
Recite before taking the Lord's Supper (Communion)?
The General Confession
" Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee"
How Great Thou Art
Who was the Primary founder of the AME Church
Who is : Richard Allen
Number of Commandments
What is ten (10)
one tenth of produce or earnings given in support of the church
What is the tithe
"What have I to dread, what have I to fear"
What is "What a Fellowship"
Co Founder of the AME Church
Who is : Sarah Allen
Philistine defeated by David
Who is Goliath
Three (3) former Pastors of Baker Chapel AME Church
Who is :
Rev. AC Johnson
Rev. AW Harvey
Rev. BL McCormick
Rev. M Wilson, Jr.
"Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Oh for grace to trust Him More"
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Number of Episcopal Districts that make up the AME Church
What is : 20
United States - 13
Africa - 7
The period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ
What is Advent