How many languages does Bri speak?
Bri speaks 1 language
What is Drew's favorite color?
Drew's favorite color is Blue
What is Michal's star sign
Michal's star sign is scorpio
How many pets does Billy have?
0 pets
How tall is Bri?
Bri is 5'4
What is Drew's favorite sport?
Drew's favorite sport is football
What is Michal's favorite tv show?
Michal's favorite tv shows are survivor and pretty little liars
what is Billy's favorite cuisine?
Billy's favorite cuisine is Italian
What is Bri's favorite book series?
Trick question! Bri doesn't read!
What is Drew's Birthday?
Drew's birthday is April 5
What is Michals favorite animal?
Michal's favorite animal is a monkey
How many siblings does Billy have?
Billy has 2 siblings
What was Bri's most recent vacation?
Bri's most recent vacation was to an Alabama Lakehouse
What is Drew's favorite movie
Drew's favorite movie is anything marvel/ avengers
What is Michal's favorite disney princess?
Michal's favorite disney princess is Ariel from the little mermaid
What is Billy's most used app on his phone?
Billy's most used app is youtube
Who is Bri's favorite actress?
Bri's favorite actresses are Dakota Johnson, Sandra Bullock, and Julie Andrews
What is Drew's dream vacation?
Drew's dream vacation is Australia
What is Michal's dream superpower?
Michals dream superpower is teleportation
When Billy's desk was last cleaned (by the fabulous interns) what were the number of cups/cans found?
6 cups/cans were found