Math (and Science) Mysteries
Tech Trivia
Atlanta Asks
Colligate Ministry Charades
Theology Twisters

This Greek letter typically used to denote a coefficient of static or kinetic friction in engineering is pronounced identically to an action used to increase the sharpness of an individuals jawline.


This rival "school" is Georgia Tech's rival.

uGA ("university" of Georgia)


This Atlanta-based soft drink company is one of the most recognized brands in the world.



This arguably famous fast food chain is loved by many in the BCM, even rising to the level of adoration that an entire song was created about it and the vibes it produced

What is Cookout?


The citation for this verse: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (ESV)

What is John 3:16?


please list the first 10 digits of pi



This GT Alumni managed to graduate with every single available major and over 3000 credit hours!

George P. Burdell


This famous Atlanta building is known for its unique shape of a typical classroom object, and was designed by a Georgia Tech Alumni! 

Bank of America Plaza (The Pencil Building)


The Velocity theme for Fall 2023

What is Hall of Faith/Hebrews 11?


please list the quadratic formula

ax^2 + bx + c = 0


In one of Tech's most prodigious Homecoming traditions, students race these vehicles in the Mini 500 



This year was the year that Atlanta was the host city for the Summer Olympic Games, and current Georgia Tech dorms held Olympic Athletes

What is 1996?

This organization is a subsidiary of the Georgia Baptist Mission board and aims to send hundreds of Georgia college students around the world to spread the gospel of Jesus! 

What is Send Me Now?


The science of determining a tree's age by looking at its growth rings.

Dendrochronology (obviously)


The name of the Volleyball stadium for Georgia Tech's very own (and very well ranking) Volleyball team!

O'Keefe Gymnasium


This Atlanta sports team was disbanded in 2011 and subsequently became the new franchise of the Winnipeg Jets. The team was named after Georgia's state bird!

What is the Atlanta Thrashers?


The directions of rotation of the input shaft A and output shaft B of the worm-gear reducer are indicated by the curved dashed arrows. An input torque (couple) of 80 N·m is applied to shaft A in the direction of rotation. The output shaft B supplies a torque of 320 N. m to the machine which it drives (not shown). The shaft of the driven machine exerts an equal and opposite reacting torque on the output shaft of the reducer. Determine the resultant M of the two couples which act on the reducer unit and calculate the direction cosine of M with respect to the x-axis.

M-320i-80j N. m, cos 0x = -0.970


This is the year that our beloved Technitute was established. Roll bees!

What is 1885?