What does Je suis mean in English?
I am
How do you say You have in French?
Tu as
What does Aller mean in English?
To go
What does Nous faisons mean in English?
We are doing/ We make
What is a baguette?
A long thin type of bread originally from the French
What does "Il est une garcon" mean in English?
He is a boy
What does "Nous avons des cheins" mean in English
We have some dogs
What does"Nous allons a la maison" mean in English
We go to the house
What does "Je fait mon lit" in English
I make my bed
How many types of cheeses does France have?
Over 1600
How do you say "They're in grade 7" in French?
Ils sont en 7e annee
What is "I have two cats" in French?
J'ai deux chats.
How do you say "I go to school" in French?
Je vais a l'ecole
How do you say "I do skating at the park" in French?
Je fais du skate au parc
How many snails do they eat in France per year?
Over 25000
What is "Ils sont des docteurs" in English
There are some doctors
What is "Tu as une crayon" in English?
You have a pencil
How do you say "Elles vont a la maison" in English?
They go to the house/ They go home
How do you say "Il fait ses devoirs"
He does his homework
20 minutes
What is "Tu es tres intelligent" in English
You are very smart
What is "J'ai un livre" in English?
I have a book
What is "Tu vas a le foret" in English
You go to the forest
What does "Nous faisons la gateux" mean in English
We make cake
What type of Capitol is France?
A gastronomic capitol.