What did God create on the sixth day?
What is man and woman?
What is the scientific term for making more of one’s kind?
What is reproduction
Approximately how many people live on Earth today?
Who were the first humans according to the Bible?
What is Adam and Eve?
Name one way animals reproduce.
What is laying eggs or live birth?
Which continent has the highest population?
What is Asia?
What command did God give to Adam and Eve?
What is "Be fruitful and multiply?"
How do plants reproduce?
What is seeds?
Name one factor that helps people live longer today compared to the past.
What is medicine/medical care or more food production?
In which book of the Bible do we find the story of Adam and Eve?
What is "Genesis"?
What do we call the first generation of children from parents?
What is offspring?
What is a major reason people moved from Asia to the Americas long ago?
What is to find more land or opportunities?
What does it mean to "multiply" in the context of creation?
What is "to have kids", "reproduce" or anything close?
What is one reason why reproduction is important for species?
What is to ensure survival and continuation of the species?
What challenges did early populations face?
What is diseases or lack of food?