I can stand up to bullying by _____. When I use my voice for good I’m internet brave.
What is reporting it
What personal information can be shared online?
What is Personality, favorite food, pets, favorite movie, something fun, what you know
To make a strong password, I should first think of a word or phrase I can ___.
What is remember
It’s important to be alert online, so I use clues to help me determine what is ---.
what is real or fake
Domain published by a government website
what is .gov
I don’t have to talk to anyone who is being mean or making me uncomfortable. If someone is bullying me or others, I can use my settings to __?
What is block them
What private information should you not share online?
What is Full name, address, date of birth
A long password is a strong password. My passwords should be ___. I can make it easy to remember, but hard to guess.
What is at least 8 characters
I know to use my detective skills to avoid ___. If something sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
what are scams
Domain published by an educational organization or university
What is .edu
Name a positives impact technology has on your personal life, society, and culture?
What is Communication, Research, Transportation
Before I post something online, I ___. It’s important to consider what I am sharing and who I am sharing it with.
What is First stop to think
The most secure passwords aren’t just long. They also contain uppercase letters, lower case letters, numbers, and ___.
what are symbols
What does it mean if there is no date on an online article or things are misspelled?
What is It may not be trustworthy
Domain published by a commercial or business
what is .com
What are the negative impacts technology has on your personal life, society, and culture?
What is Addiction, less real conversation, pollution
Connecting with friends online can be fun, but not everything should be shared online. I avoid ___ and try not to be one myself.
What are oversharers
When someone tries to trick me into giving my personal information, that is called...
What is phishing
Domain published by a nonprofit organization
what is .org
Troublemakers are people too. Sometimes they just need a little love and support. What happens when you show them kindness?
What is they stop being a bully
Some types of information are ___ or personal. Things like my address and phone number should not be shared online.
What is sensitive
What should you try to avoid?
What is “Clickbait”, sponsors, advertisements
Domain published by a network organization
what is .net