What flower is given most on Valentines Day?
This is the date Valentine's Day is celebrated.
February 14th
This is a popular candy gift given on Valentine's Day
What is being celebrated on Valentines day?
What word contains 26 letters but only has 3 syllables?
What is the named of the little winged baby that hits individuals with arrows to make them fall in love?
Solve the scramble: igtf rdac
Gift Card
This is the meaning of X and O in "XOXO."
What is X = kisses and O = hugs
Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?
Romeo and Juliet
Marwa's parents have 4 kids. Their names are North, East, West and _____?
These two colors are used most often to represent Valentine's day.
Red and Pink
This is the saint who Valentine's Day was named after.
St. Valentine
What is the other holiday called that you could celebrate love?
Family Day
Solve the scramble: uetr ovle
True Love
I have a head like a cat and feet like a cat, but I am not a cat. What am I?
A Kitten
What does the expression "tie the knot" means?
Get married.
This color of rose (flower) stands for friendship
What shape is used when 3 people like one another that likes someone else.
Love Triangle
Why do people write X and O on cards?
It means hugs and kisses!
You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How?
All the people on the boat are married.
This is the Valentine's Day gift that people spend the most money on.
What country spends the most money on valentines day every year?
South Korea
2 people were celebrating a big day specifically for themselves. They invited all of their friends and family to join them. They ate food, they danced, they told speeches and wore their best clothes. What were they attending?
A Wedding
Solve the scramble: ticorman
What year did the titanic sink?