Environmental Health and Safety
Infection Control

How often are fire drills conducted in your area?

One fire drill per quarter, per shift, per building.


How long do you wash your hands for?

At least 20 seconds.


When should a sharps container be replaced? and who do you call?

When it is 3/4 full and call housekeeping/3-5000.

How do you identify a patient's primary language?

Top banner "preferred language".


What information needs to be a opened medication?

Pt label. What the medication is, dose, date, time. Initial. 


IN the event of a fire in your area how do you evacuate?

Evacuate horizontally to the next safe zone (behind a fire door) and then vertically if necessary. 


What is the wet contact time for the purple Sani-Wipes?

2 minutes.


Where are safety data sheets located for your area?

Intranet. Icon on your desktop takes you straight there.


Where do you find a patient's advanced directives. 

Media, onbase, advance directives. 


How often do you clean the WOW and what do you clean it will. 

In between each patient with the clorax wipes. 


What does RACE stand for?

R: Rescue

A: Alarm/Activate

C: Contain

E: Extinguish and/or Evacuate


How should cleaning products be stored in the supply room?

Chemicals should be stored on the bottom shelves/bins to avoid spills or leaks on clean supplies. 


Walking through your area you notice a computer monitor showing a patient's medical record and there is no one at the computer.  What do you do?

Log the user off. No PHI should be left unattended. 


Where do you find the patient's consent to treatment?

In the media tab. iconsents.


How often should a blood consent be obtained?

Initially, every 6 months, change in treatment, once they turn 18. 


How do you know an exam room is clean?

As the RN/MA I clean the room myself as well as any equipment in the room with the Sani-Wipes (Unless there was a C-Diff pt in the room). I then place the paper on the exam table, write the patients name on the door, and flip the blue flag to "nurse". 

Explain what you do once a C-Diff positive patient leaves your area (lab, VS room, Exam room etc.)

Clean the room/area with the Clorox (orange) wipes. Wait for the room/area to dry (4 minutes).  


How were you oriented to your position?

Preceptor, orientation pathway, skills validated, frequent progress meetings. 


How do you identify a patient?

Name and DOB. 


Describe how you waste a narcotic.

Witness, watch waste, document in pyxis and EMR. 


You notice a piece of equipment is not working correctly, what do you do?

Submit a maintenance ticket for the item to be repaired. You fill out and tag the broken equipment with the red "Out of Order Equipment Repair Tag". 

Repair Tag: date, time, work order #, Problem, was SI report entered?, requester name, location of item and did you notify 3-500?


Explain the correct way to put on PPE?

Explain the correct way to take off PPE?

Wash your hands, gown, mask, goggles, gloves.

Take off gloves, goggles, gown, mash and then wash your hands. 


Describe 2-3 competencies you completed this past year. How were you deemed to be competent in this competency?

RN/MA: Various skills check off. 

PSC: Online modules such as EEE etc. 


How do you access for suicide screening?




How often do you do a narcotic count? What is the process? How do you resolve a discrepancy?

An accessed narcotic count is done at the end of every shift. 

Full narcotic count is done every Wednesday.

Charge nurse asks the RN about the discrepancy and then resolves the discrepancy in the pyxis by entering a comment. Management gets involved if needed. Each discrepancy must be resolved by the end of the shift.