These are the four program areas for Beacon Community Schools.
What is expanded learning, behavioral health and wellness, transitions, and family partnership?
Beacons started in this city.
What is New York?
The number of people on the SFBI team.
What is 9?
This is the chemical symbol for water.
What is H2O?
This tool is used by SFBI and Beacon Directors to track goal attainment and fidelity in the four program areas and community schools practices.
What is the State of the Beacon?
The first Beacon opened this year in San Francisco.
SFBI does these three things to ensure Beacons have a high quality workforce.
What is coach, connect, and coordinate?
Olivia Rodrigo’s first hit single is this breakup song that debuted at No. 1 in 2021.
What is Driver's License?
These are your Beacon's funding and systems partners.
Who are DCYF, SFBI, and SFUSD?
The number of Beacon Community Schools in San Francisco before the expansion in 2018.
What is 9?
This group brought together by SFBI helps plan Beacon Way Day every year.
What is Beacon Bridge?
In the Disney show "The Mandalorian", this is Baby Yoda's real name.
What is Grogu?
This population is at the center of the Beacon Community Schools Model.
What is the youth population?
The Beacon Network has 13 of these.
What are lead agencies?
SFBI offers these role-alike spaces for leaders to connect and learn.
What are Peer Learning Communities (PLCs)?
This is the longest wall in the world, extending over 13,000 miles.
What is the Great Wall of China?
The document where you can find Beacon examples and best practices.
What is the Beacon Implementation Guide (B.I.G.)?
These 6 cities make up the Beacon National Network.
What are San Francisco, San Pablo, Denver, Minneapolis, Richfield, and New York?
Your facilitator's full name and job title.
Who is Jibraan Lee, Program Manager?
This fast food chain once used the slogan "Think outside the bun".
What is Taco Bell?