What does PBL stand for?
Project Based Learning
What is conflict?
a struggle for power
What is classroom management?
•Classroom management is a term to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether.
What is a code to know that visitors are in the building?
Lesson Plans Are due Thursday
True or False
During an evacuation, Students are expected to stop to pick up their coats and bags.
What is the 1st step of PBL?
What are 2 components of conflict?
•Emotional Intelligence
What must you do to teach respect to youth?
When are Lesson Plans Due?
Thursday at the beginning of your shift
Free Points
Free Points
What is the main component of PBL?
Youth Led
What is the easiest way to avoid conflict?
How long should each rule be in your classroom agreements?
No more than 5 words
What is the ratio for staff to participant in the building?
While standing at the door what should staff direct children to do?
What tool is used to organize your project?
Successful conflict resolution depends on your ability to... (Name 1)
•Manage stress while remaining alert and calm. By staying calm, you can accurately read and interpret verbal and nonverbal communication. ·
•Control your emotions and behavior. When you’re in control of your emotions, you can communicate your needs without threatening, frightening, or punishing others.
•Pay attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others.
•Be aware of and respectful of differences. By avoiding disrespectful words and actions, you can resolve the problem faster.
What are 3 commonly used consequences used to scare students?
Three very commonly used consequences are referring a student to the office, calling the parents, or making an empty threat.
What is the name of people who do not work for Beacon but utilize space in the building for the community?
What are the instructions when a fire bell rings?
Name all of the steps of PBL
Brainstorm, Entry event, Research, Culminating Event, Evaluation
Describe the conflict cycle
stressful incident, students feelings, students observable behavior, adult/peer reactions
What is one way to show you are in control of your classroom? Give an example as well
Non Verbal Communication (Body Language)
How many Beacons and Cornerstones are in Phipps? (It's the same number)
No matter what exit you leave from, what is the main meeting point in the event of an actual emergency?
East 180th street and Morris Park