Packing for an Outdoor Outing
Packing for Camping
Knife Safety
Pledge of Allegiance & Flag
Random Scout Stuff

Band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and basic meds

What is First Aid Kit? 


Two different places you can sleep at Tuscarora.

What is a tent and a lean-to? (Or Nature Lodge)


If you are fooling around with your knife, this may happen to you.

What is My whittling chip can be taken away, my knife can be taken away?


Another word for "Nation."

What is Country?


The delectable treat is comprise of graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. Best when made over a campfire.

What are smores?


Hydration and nourishment

What is water and snacks?


You sleep in this where ever you are sleeping to keep warm.

What is sleeping bag? accept pillow, blankets, sleeping pad...


Even after earning your Whittling Chip, you cannot bring your knife to ______________.

What is school? (Will accept airport)


The amount of stripes on the flag.

What are 13?


Scout Motto

What is Be Prepared?


2 things that can protect you from the sun

What is hat and sunscreen (umbrella or certain clothing answers can count too)? 


For meal prep, like pots, pans, and utensils.

What is cooking gear?


To Pass a Pocketknife, you must always close the blade – never pass an open knife. The receiver should get a good grip on the knife and then say “*****  ***” to indicate that they have a grip on the knife when taking it. The giver should never let go of the knife until the receiver says “***** ***” even if the receiver tries to pull it away.

What is Thank you?


Another word for "fairness."

What is Justice?


On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

What is the Scout Oath or Promise?


For hikes and walks, you should wear this on your feet and wear/bring/dress this way for different temperatures.

What is sturdy footwear and layers of clothing? Accept similar


Name some other items you might need for camping (at least 2)

What is campfire equipment,  toothpaste, toothbrush, things to play with, etc. 


Always cut ________, never towards.

What is away from yourself?


Said to have sewn the 1st US Flag.

Who is Betsy Ross?


A starting point for other knots, this a simple overhand knot, where the working end of a line is brought over and under the standing part. 

What is the half-hitch? 


There are actually six essentials for hiking and outdoor activities.  Name the 2 essentials not previously listed. 

What is flashlight and whistle?  


When choosing a location for your tent, it is important that (tell at least 3 things).

What is Flat Ground: Look for a level area. It’s more comfortable for sleeping and prevents you from sliding around during the night.

  • Avoid Low Spots: Don’t set up in a depression or low-lying area. Rainwater tends to collect there, and you don’t want to wake up in a puddle.
  • Stay Away from Water: Keep a good distance from rivers, lakes, and streams. Water levels can rise unexpectedly, and damp ground doesn’t make for a cozy night.
  • Mind the Slope: If you’re on a slope, position your tent so your head is uphill. It helps you sleep more comfortably and prevents rainwater from flowing into your tent.
  • Consider Sun and Shade: Think about where the sun will be in the morning. If it’s going to be scorching, a bit of shade can be a relief.
  • Natural Windbreaks: Trees, bushes, or rocks can act as windbreaks. They provide a shield from gusty winds and keep you warmer.
  • Safety First: Check for potential hazards like dead trees or loose rocks that could pose a risk if they fall.
  • Respect Leave No Trace: Follow principles like minimizing your impact on the environment. Avoid trampling on fragile plants and don’t disturb wildlife.

Before you pick up your knife to use it, stretch your arm out and turn in a circle. If you can't touch anyone else, it is safe to use your knife.

What is Safety Circle?


"I pledge allegiance to the flag" means...

What is "I promise to be loyal to the flag?"


When a Scout leader holds up the index and middle fingers forming a V. The other two fingers are held with the thumb, it usually means...

What is "Be Quiet" (or quiet and pay attention)?