Performance 5

"I don't have the budget for it."

This is a common objection that can be easily addressed by explaining the benefits of ASC and how it can help the advertiser achieve their marketing goals more efficiently.


"I don't think creative is important to performance because I've seen ads with low-quality creative perform well in the past."

This statement is also relatively easy to respond to because it's based on a misunderstanding of the role of creative in ad performance. You can explain how creative can impact ad performance by influencing how potential customers perceive the ad and whether they are likely to engage with it.


“It seems like Meta is just optimizing for last-click now and that doesn’t fit my business model at all. What am I supposed to do?”

It’s important to note that our backend optimization is not optimizing for last-click. We still know and believe in the value of view-through and engaged-view, and we will continue to drive those types of conversions. We are trying to drive more Meta-attributed conversions in third parties, but this does not mean all conversions will be last-click. We’ve tested this optimization with advertisers of all sizes and verticals, and consistently seen performance improvements (30%+) in source-of-truth tools.

I will continue to monitor conversion data and delivery to ensure our systems are driving results for your specific business.


"We don't need to measure our performance on Meta's platforms because we're already seeing good results from our campaigns."

While it's great that you're seeing good results, measurement can help you understand what's working and what's not, so you can optimize your campaigns for even better performance. Without measurement, you may be missing out on opportunities to improve your ROI.


"We don't need to use account simplification because our current account structure is working fine."

While it's great that your current account structure is working, account simplification can help you improve efficiency and reduce complexity. By consolidating ad sets and campaigns, you can reduce the number of ads you need to manage and optimize, which can save time and resources.


"I'm not sure if ASC is right for my business. I don't understand how it works"

This objection can be addressed by providing information about the types of businesses that ASC is suitable for and how it can help them achieve their marketing goal.


"I don't think refreshing creative is important because I have a small budget and can't afford to create new creative regularly."

This statement is even more challenging to respond to because it requires a deep understanding of the advertiser's budget constraints and how they can be overcome. You can explain how refreshing creative can be done on a limited budget by repurposing existing assets or using cost-effective design tools.


“Some of my clients are integrated with Google Analytics and some aren’t. Does this mean only my clients integrated with GA are getting the back-end update?”

No, every advertiser with sales, leads, and engagement objectives will receive this rollout. 

Integrating with Google Analytics or other third parties will enable access to future value alignment products. If your clients make their budgeting decisions from these 3rd party tools, I’d recommend we go ahead and integrate.


"Measurement is too complicated and time-consuming. We don't have the resources to dedicate to it."

Measurement doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Meta offers a range of measurement tools and solutions that are easy to use and can provide valuable insights into your campaign performance. Additionally, many third-party measurement providers offer simple and intuitive solutions that can help you measure your performance without requiring a lot of resources.


"We don't need to use automation because we prefer to have more control over our campaigns."

While it's understandable that you want to have control over your campaigns, automation can actually give you more control in the long run. By using Advantage suite to automate all or part of a campaign, you can free up time and resources to focus on other areas of your business. Additionally, automation can help you scale your campaigns more efficiently and effectively.


"I don't have the resources to create the necessary ad creative."

This objection can be addressed by explaining that ASC uses existing ad creative and that the advertiser doesn't need to create new ads specifically for ASC.


"Our target audience doesn't care about high-quality visuals or engaging content. They just want to see our product and know how it can benefit them."

While it's true that your target audience may be primarily interested in learning about your product, research has shown that high-quality creative can significantly impact ad performance. In fact, a study by Facebook found that ads with high-quality creative resulted in a 25% increase in brand awareness and a 50% increase in purchase intent compared to ads with low-quality creative.


“This update seems counterintuitive to incrementality narrative you’ve been pushing.”

We should think of measurement with a 360 approach, using all the tools available to us to make smarter budgeting decisions.

We still believe incrementality to be the measurement north star, and we will continue to run conversion lift to validate results. I also think, because we use incrementality to make budgeting decisions, we should test into the Incremental Attribution product.


"We don't need to measure our performance on Meta's platforms because we're already measuring our overall marketing efforts through other means."

While it's great that you're measuring your overall marketing efforts, it's important to remember that different channels and platforms require different measurement approaches. What works for one channel may not work for another. By measuring your performance on Meta's platforms specifically, you can gain insights into how your campaigns are performing on those platforms and make adjustments accordingly.


"We don't need to use creative diversification because our current creative strategy is working well."

While it's great that your current creative strategy is working, creative diversification can help you differentiate your ads and stand out in a crowded market. By using different concepts and/or formats, you can create a more diverse and engaging ad experience for your audience, which can lead to better results.


"I'm concerned about losing control over my campaigns."

This objection can be addressed by explaining that ASC is designed to work in conjunction with the advertiser's existing campaigns and that they will still have full control over their campaigns.


"Long-form video provides a better opportunity for us to showcase our product features and benefits in a more comprehensive way."

While it's important to communicate the key features and benefits of your product, long-form video may not be the most effective way to do so. Research has shown that people are more likely to remember information presented in short, bite-sized chunks rather than in a lengthy video. Additionally, shorter-form video ads tend to perform better on mobile devices, where most social media consumption takes place. Consider using shorter-form video to highlight key product features and benefits, and then use retargeting ads to provide more detailed information to interested viewers.


“I thought you told me not to use Google Analytics to assess Meta performance. Why are you optimizing campaigns towards Google Analytics data now?”

This update is aimed at driving more Meta-attributed conversions in sources-of-truth, bridging the age-old gap between our platforms and third parties. Our ads system is still designed to find the optimal mix of actions for every scenario and every advertiser, so third party is a piece of the larger puzzle.

Would you be willing to give me access to your third party tools so I can follow along as these changes roll out? I think it would help me strengthen my recommendations!


"Measurement is too expensive. We can't afford to invest in it."

 Measurement doesn't have to be expensive. Many measurement solutions are available at no additional cost or at a low cost. Additionally, the insights gained from measurement can help you optimize your campaigns and improve your ROI, which can ultimately save you money in the long run.


"We don't need to use data quality because our current data sources are sufficient."

While it's great that your current data sources are sufficient, optimizing your data sources like Conversions API or catalog can help you improve the accuracy and reliability of your data. This can lead to better targeting, optimization, and measurement, which can ultimately improve your campaign performance.


"I don't trust the algorithm to make the right decisions for my business."

This objection can be difficult to address as it is based on a lack of trust in the technology. However, it can be helpful to provide examples of successful ASC campaigns and explain the science behind how the algorithm works.


"Long-form video is more cost-effective because we can reuse the same asset across multiple channels and campaigns."

While it's true that long-form video can be reused across multiple channels and campaigns, it's also important to consider the opportunity cost of using a single long-form asset versus creating multiple shorter-form assets. Shorter-form video ads tend to perform better on social media and can be more easily adapted to different placements and formats. By creating multiple shorter-form assets, you can optimize your ad spend and reach your target audience more effectively across different channels and campaigns.


“I use Ads Manager to make my day-to-day budgeting decisions and now my data is so different. How am I supposed to manage my spend now?”

We are making these back-end changes to take cross-publisher data into account when optimizing our campaigns. You can continue to use Ads Manager to make decisions, but I’d recommend using additional tools (3rd parties, lift) to validate your strategy.

I’d love to set up a Conversion Lift after rollout to check in on our performance - let’s set launch for _________.


"We don't need to measure our performance on Meta's platforms because we're not sure if the data is accurate or reliable."

This is a valid concern, but Meta takes data accuracy and reliability very seriously. The company has implemented various measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its data, such as using independent third-party verification services and adhering to industry standards. Additionally, Meta provides transparent reporting and metrics that can help you understand how your campaigns are performing. By using measurement solutions that are designed to work with Meta's platforms, you can gain valuable insights into your campaign performance while also ensuring data accuracy and reliability.


"We don't need to use results validation because we already have a good understanding of our campaign performance."

While it's great that you have a good understanding of your campaign performance, results validation can help you verify your campaign results with lift experiments or MMM. This can give you a more accurate picture of how your campaigns are performing and help you make more informed decisions about your marketing strategy.