Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Who is Cleo and what is her significance in Marquis' life?

Cleo is Marquis' maternal grandmother who was his primary caretaker until the age of 8. Cleo was the first introduction to a mother Marquis' had.


What event in Marla's home caused Marquis and Danger to crawl back into their shells?

Someone breaking into the back shed.


Why was Marquis hesitant about the idea of adoption?

1) Marquis did not feel comfortable being adopted by someone he did not yet know.

2) However, if he said no to adoption he was afraid he would be moved once again.


Why did basketball become an escape for Marquis?

Contrary to his interactions with others, in basketball Marquis knows what to do and how to act.


What were the two types of social workers Marquis describes in the chapter?

1) The ones who truly believed in their work and felt empathy and compassion for the children.

2) The ones who lacked sympathy and were just doing their jobs.

pp. 24-25


How would Marquis cope with the dysfunction in his life?

He became defiant and rebellious. He began playing with his pencils, daydreaming, and tapping his feet or hands on his desk.


Who is Kate and what did she do for Marquis?

Kate was Marquis' first-grade teacher, who alongside Cleo was able to get Marquis admitted into a school that had initially rejected him. Kate had a passion for serving underprivileged communities, which would influence Marquis in the years to come.


Why did Marquis feel defiant towards authority?

Authority figures in Marquis' life such as Cleo and his social workers had constantly stripped him of his sense of security. 

For example, Cleo giving up her rights as Marquis' guardian. Or when Danger was separated from Marquis after being placed in Jesse's care.


What is the importance of the big black binder Marquis mentions?

This binder contained all of Marquis' medical records which would be handed to each of his new foster parents. Marquis felt as if his foster parents would only ever use his past to define him.


What led Cleo to allow Child Protective Services (CPS) to intervene in the guardianship of Marquis and his siblings?

Aggressive interactions between Sherry and Cleo, which potentially threaten the wellbeing of Marquis and his siblings. 


How did preconceived notions about Marquis impact his actions in his new third-grade class?

Labels such as "troublemaker" can make children feel like outsiders. Overtime they can alter the child's perspective and they begin to internalize these messages. This can be seen when Marquis decides to steal the money his class had raised, living up to the stereotypes of him being a "bad kid".


What did June intend to have Marquis get diagnosed with ADHD?

Taking advantage of not only the foster care system but primarily Marquis for her economic benefit.