Chicago Blackhawks
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No one (it has happened)
The motion of a body when only the force of gravity is acting on it.
What is free fall
This is why scientists study distant galaxies.
What is to see what early galaxies look like.
Name one of the electromagnetic radiation that is blocked by the atmosphere.
What is gamma rays, x-rays, or some ultraviolet
He thought the Earth was at the Center of the universe, and the sun, moon, and other planets revolved around the Earth.
What is Ptolemy
A graph that shows the relationship between the stars temperature and absolute magnitude
What is H-R Diagram
What is it called when an object is moving quickly towards you in space?
What is blue shift
The curved path that an object follows when thrown, launched, or otherwise ejected near the Earth.
What is projectile motion
the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth
What is vernal equinox
This is the location on the H-R diagram where most stars lie
What is main sequence (middle)
a apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different locations.
What is parallax
List the three types of galaxies.
What is -spiral -elliptical -irregular
A tight group of stars that look like a ball and contains up to 1 million stars.
What is globular cluster.
The constant velocity of a following object when the force of air resistance is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity.
What is terminal velocity
The study of the origin, properties, processes, and evolution of the universe.
What is cosmology.
The theory that states the universe began with a tremendous explosion 13.7 billion years ago.
What is the big bang theory.
What is it called when an object is moving quickly away from you in space?
What is red shift
A star that has collapsed under gravity to the point that electrons and patrons have smashed together to form neutrons
What is neutron star
This is what scientists think will happen to the universe.
What is the universe will expand forever.
The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied. (Law)
What is Newton's second law
the tendency of all objects to resist any change in motion.
What is inertia
A very luminous starlike object that generates energy at a high rate
What is quasar
He thought that the sun was at the center of the universe, and the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun.
What is Copernicus
A large cloud of dust and gas in interstellar space, the region where stars are born and explode
What is nebula
This is why most telescopes are in space.
What is atmosphere causes starlight to be blurry and shimmery.
An object at remains at rest and an object in rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by unbalanced force
What is Newtons First Law