March #1
March #2
March #3

In order to play in the snow, everyone must have what? Who doesn't have this item? Explain.

Everyone must have snow pants to play in the snow. Jessica doesn't have them so Luke says his sister has a pair she could borrow.


Describe what happened in the morning before the students went outside in the snow. 

The students played different games. One of the games was Scattegories where you had to name names at the beach and Peter said "Babes". 


Explain Mr. Terupt's health condition after being hit by the snowball?

Mr. Terupt is in a coma for weeks.


What hurdle does Danielle have to face in order to go to the hospital to see Mr. Terupt?

She has to get permission from her mom/grandma to be with Anna.


After getting home from the hospital, Danielle prays to God. Explain her prayer.

Danielle prays for Mr. Terupt, Jeffrey, and for herself. She thanks God for returning the nice Alexia. She asks for forgiveness for her part in what happened.


Which student guessed the correct amount of rings that would hit the floor? Who was second in guessing? How did Luke feel about this? What did these 2 students receive?

Anna guessed the correct amount (27). Peter was second. They both got homework passes. Luke was upset that Peter won and Luke wants to get even.


What does Peter do first when they get out in the snow? What happened next?

Peter slides down from the top of a mound of snow and knocks over Lexie. Peter gets knocked down by the girls Jeffrey and Luke shove his face in the snow, and then Lexie kicks snow in his face. 


What does Mrs. Williams say about fault for the snowball incident?

Mrs. Williams says it was an accident and nobody's fault.


What does Anna's mom say when she sees Danielle pull up at their house in her brother's truck?

Anna's mom recognizes the truck and asks Danielle if it still has a dent in it.


When Luke visits a second time, the doctor shares something with him. What does he share?

The doctor shares that Mr. Terupt was a wrestler when he was younger and had to give it up because he suffered many concussions which weakened his brain. He now had bleeding in his brain and needs surgery.


Luke decides he wants to "inoculate" Peter with a snowball. What does this mean? 

Luke wants to inoculate Peter with a snowball to his body-he wants to hit him with it.


Who threw the snowball?

Peter threw the snowball.


Who went to see Mr. Terupt first in the hospital? Explain that experience.

Luke went to see Mr. Terupt first. He saw Mr. Terupt hooked up to machines and began to cry. Luke thinks Mr. Terupt should not have put so much trust in the kids.


What does Anna ask her mom about 'fault'?

Anna asks her mom if she ever blames her for being ostracized. Anna's mom tells Anna that she would never blame her and that Anna is everything to her.


How did the doctor find out about Mr. Terupt's concussions?

Ms,. Newberry told the doctor about the concussions.


How does Luke feel about Jessica?

Luke likes Jessica bevues Jessica is serious about school.


What happened when the snowball was thrown?

The snowball hit Mr. Terupt and knocked him out.


Explain how Jeffrey feels about hospitals and comas. 

Jeffrey remembers when his brother was in a coma and died. Now Jeffrey thinks Mr. Terupt will die. Hospitals are full of bad memories and bad luck.


When Anna, Danielle, and Jessica get to the hospital room, who is already there? Explain.

Alexia is already in Mr. Terupt's hospital room when the girls get there. She is talking to Mr. Terupt. Alexia sees the girls and she apologies to them and shares about her father. They all hug.


Who else knows about the information shared by the doctor to Luke?

The doctor shared about the brain surgery with Peter, but not about the concussions.


Explain what is going on at Jeffrey's house since his brother Michael died?

Jeffrey thinks his parents don't love him. His parents don't talk to him or each other. His mother mopes around the house all day in her pajamas.


How do each of the students feel about what happened to Mr. Terupt?

They each feel guilty for their part leading up to the snowball being thrown. They are worried and scared about what will happen to their teacher.


What do Anna, Jessica, and Danielle decide to do?

They decide to go to the hospital together. They remember that Mr. Terupt told them they are stronger when they stick together.


How did Alexia get to the hospital? What happens when she gets there?

Alexia rode her bike to get to the hospital. She tells Mr. Terupt she's sorry and that she's trying to do better. Then she sees the 3 girls and feels like she now has friends.


Have the doctors been able to contact any family members for Mr. Terupt?

The doctors have no contact person for Mr. Terupt.