Foreign Policy
World War I
Very Tough People!

“Speak softly and carry a big stick” is a quote attributed to this President when asked about his Foreign Policy

Who is Teddy Roosevelt?


One of the MAIN causes of World War I, this occurs when the army and military forces are given a high profile by the government. Countries build up their armed forces in the name of security, thereby intimidating other nations.

What is Militarism?


This man was shot and it started the series of events that led to World War I

Who is Franz Ferdinand?


This flag belongs to a country on the Allies Side

What is Great Britain?


These government Acts forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces

What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?


The man pictured here was executed for the assassination of what world leader?

Who is William McKinley?


The Sinking of this ship pushed the U.S. into war with Spain. Probably an accident though.

What is the Maine?


This m.A.i.n. cause of WWI explains why so many countries joined the war.

What are Alliances?


A policy by which one country separates itself from the affairs of other nations. In an effort to remain at peace, the country avoids both foreign entanglements and responsibilities.

What is Isolationism?


This was a military strategy used by Germany designed to knock France out of the war (WWI) quickly. It called for the swift invasion of France through the neutral country Belgium.

What is the Schleiffen Plan?


This flag is no longer used by this country after the Treaty of Versailles.

What is Germany?


Teddy Roosevelt ordered the construction of this waterway that drastically cut travel time from the East coast of America to the West Coast

What is the Panama Canal?


This rebel leader from what country first aided the USA, and then rebelled against them?

The Philippines.


He was the 25th president of the United States.

Who is William McKinley?


Teddy Roosevelt ordered several battleships to drop anchor off of the coast of this country to assist the rebellion of the Panamanian People (Not Panama)

What is Colombia?


This “ism” occurs when a country takes over new lands or countries and makes them subject to its rule.

What is Imperialism?


The sinking of this ship caused the many US citizens to push for entry into World War I.

What is the Lusitania?


This flag represents the combination of 2 European Kingdoms to form an Empire that dissolved after WWI?

What is Austria-Hungary?


This Serbian College Student was a member of the Black Hand terrorist group and he killed the heir to Franz Joseph

Who is Gavrilo Princip?


It is the owner of the New York Journal, a famous newspaper that influenced it's readers!

Who is William Randolph Hearst


This island in the Caribbean became part of the United States after the Span-Am War, and today it is home to more Americans than 21 other States.

What is Puerto Rico.


These are Wilson's goals for solving the problems of the world and promoting World Peace at the end of WWI.

What are the Fourteen Points?


This “ism” means being a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one's country. It strengthens the idea of “us” and demonizes others who are different.

What is Nationalism?


This Empire that previously lasted 500+ years fell after they lost in World War I. 

(Clue: After this they had no where to put their feet up)

What is the Ottoman Empire?


This flag belongs to a country that fought for the British Empire, most notably at the Battle of Gallipoli.

What is Australia?


We remember this date as Veteran’s Day as a day when the ceasefire began that saw the end to the death caused by World War I

What is Nov 11 (1918)


This ailment is due to standing in water for extended periods of time.

What is trench foot.


Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska from what country?

What is Russia?


This U.S. policy opposed European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823.

What is The Monroe Doctrine?


These are news reports that are based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration. They directly led to American Involvement in the Spanish-American War

What is Yellow Journalism?


The Alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain was called this fancy French name.

What is the Triple Entente?


This flag is from a country that appears after the Treaty of Versailles. Wilson argued for its creation!

What is Poland?


This man led a Revolution in Russia that caused them to back out of the war. This was the rise of communist Russia

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


He was the officer in charge of the Rough Riders in the Spanish American War?

Who is Teddy Roosevelt 


This island was gained in the Span-Am War and it is still part of the United States.

What is Guam?