What is the name of a male bee in the colony?
What is a drone?
What is the only bee in the colony that can lay eggs?
What is the queen bee?
What percentage of food crops rely on pollination by bees?
What is about 75%?
What tool helps beekeepers calm the bees before opening a hive?
What is a smoker?
How many wings does a honeybee have?
What is four?
How many legs does a bee have?
What is six?
What is the name for the term describing the natural reproduction of a bee colony?
What is a swarm?
Planting in _______ is the most efficient way to pollinate flowers and allows easy flower identification for the bees.
What is clusters?
What device is used to separate honey from honeycomb?
What is an extractor?
What is the primary job of worker bees? Name two.
What is foraging, cleaning, nursing young, guarding the hive, and making honey?
What is the special substance that is given to the queen at the egg development stage to promote queen growth?
What is royal jelly?
What is it called when bees are hanging outside the hive to cool down?
What is bearding?
What is the term for the fine dust that contains a flower’s genetic material?
What is pollen?
What protective clothing item is worn over the face and head?
What is a veil?
How to bees inform other bees on the location of a nectar source?
What is the waggle dance?
How many eyes does a bee have?
What is five?
Bee store their excess honey in a ________
What is a honey super?
Flowers and bees have a _______ scientific relationship.
What is mutualistic/mutualism?
What is the name of the mesh material that keeps bees out of certain areas of the hive?
What is a queen excluder?
How does a queen bee control the behavior of the colony?
What is by releasing pheromones?
What is the average lifespan of a worker bee in the summer?
What is about 4-6 weeks?
What is the term for replacing an old queen with a new one?
What is supersedure?
What color of plant is the hardest for a bee to see?
What is the color red?
Bees see red as black and have a hard time distinguishing between the two.
What is a bee brush used for?
What is gently removing bees from frames?
What part of a bee is used to collect pollen?
What are pollen baskets (or corbiculae) on their legs?