What symbol is on the Canadian flag?
A maple leaf.
How many students were in Bee class last year?
10 students.
What is a noun?
A person, place, thing, animal, or idea.
Which continent is Canada on?
North America
What is Ms. Moon's Korean name?
Moon Gongju
What is the most famous food in Canada?
Maple syrup
What were the two songs we sang for the Christmas concert?
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer and Underneath the Tree
What words do adjectives describe?
Who picked Joy S.'s country of Peru for the country project?
Mr. Xavier
What is Mr. Scott's Korean name?
Kim Haneul
What is similar about a moose and a caribou?
They have four legs and four hooves. They both live in Canada.
What made Daniel throw up?
99% dark chocolate
What is the subject of the following sentence:
Mr. Scott and Ms. Moon made this quiz.
Mr. Scott and Ms. Moon
What is the capital city of America?
Washington DC
What is Mr. Scott's dog's name?
What is the capital city of Canada?
Who participated in the storytelling contest?
Ellie A, Ella, Rosa, Chloe, and Joy S.
What adjectives are in the sentence below:
Joy S. and Johnny walked down the spooky road and saw a yellow bee with sparkly wings and a curved stinger.
spooky, yellow, sparkly, curved
Which landform is a mountain with a flat top like a table?
A plateau.
How many years total have Mr. Scott and Ms. Moon worked at Maple bear? (Add them together)
Nine years total
What animal is on the one dollar coin?
A loon.
Where did we go for our first field trip? What did Mr. Scott's group hate?
1. Job World 2. The baby nurse job.
Peter Piggy pulled up to his plate, took a big sniff, and then devoured every scrap of food until his plate sparkling in the sunlight.
What does the word devoured mean in the sentence?
to eat completely
Name the oceans and the continents.
Continents: North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Antarctica
What did Mr. Scott say his favorite memory was last year in his graduation speech?
Beating everyone in every game.