How do you saw strawberry in French? - Reem
Je m'appelle...
How do you say one in French? - Rob
How do you say cake in French? - Dalina
How do you say French in French? - Ali
Say plums in French - Frankie
How do you say three apples in French? - Sahej
trois pommes
How do you say "I hate" in French? - Lorik
Je deteste.
What is tarte de cerises in English? - Maha
Cherry pie/cherry tart
How do you say "raise your hand" in French? - Aum
Levez la main.
In French say "my hair is brown". - Diya
Mes cheuveux sont marrons.
What is six in French? - Dalina
How do you say cupboard in French? - Maha
Say "taisez-vous" in English. - Hibo
Be Quiet!
How do you say these numbers in English:
un, cinq, trois, deux, quatre
- Zara
one, five, three, two and four
Is fromage feminine or masculine? - Caijah
Translate these words, in the same order:
mercredi, samedi, lundi, mardi, dimanche, vendredi, jeudi
- Charlie
Wednesday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Sunday, Friday, Thursday
Say "I like dodgeball" in French. - Thalir
J'aime la balle au prisonier.
How do you say "my clock" in French? - Ishaan
Mon orloge.
How do you say "black library" in French. - Thalir
la bibliotheque noir.
Say "my hair is green and my eyes are blue" in French. - Diya
Mes cheuveux sont verts et mes yeux sont bleu.
Say "I hate green pickles" in French - Iqra
Je deteste le cornichon vert.
Describe what you are wearing in French - Gunisha
Make a sentence using a French colour. - Kian
Various answers.
J'aime les bonbons bleu claire.