Glassware and Service
Quantity and Pour Cost
Outlaw Brewing
History in Gallatin County

One of the most universal of all beer glasses, this glass has 2 standard sizes; 16 ounce and 20 ounce.

What is a Pint Glass?


This standard size keg contains approximately 124 pints of beer.

What is a 1/2 bbl keg?


Our 9/13 Field Trip was lead by this owner of Outlaw Brewing.

Who is Todd Hough?


This major beer ingredient often comprises 85 to 95 percent of a beer.

What is water?


Our in class video regarding the history of brewing in Gallatin County featured this Museum of the Rockies curator.

Who is Michael Fox?


For the initial portion of the beer pour a glass should be held at this angle.

What is 45 degrees?


If a brewery serves a pint for $6 and that pint costs them $1.50, they have this percentage as a beer pour cost.

What is 25%?


Based on the 3 categories of breweries in Montana, Outlaw Brewing is classified as this.

What is a small brewery or microbrewery?


This single-celled microorganism is the catalyst for creating alcohol from a sugar source, fermented grains in the case of beer.

What is yeast?


Manhattan, Montana got its name from the ties to brewers from this state.

What is New York?


This is the name for the foam on top of a glass of beer.

What is head?


This is the estimated number of pint beers from a 1/6 bbl keg.

What is 41?


According to Montana Law, the latest time that Outlaw Brewing can serve a beer to a customer is this.

What is 8 PM?


This beer ingredient is a cone-shaped perennial plant deriving from a relative of the cannabis family that contains dozens of essential oils.

What is hops?


According to Michael Fox, the oldest brewery in Montana was located in which Montana town?

What is Bannack?


A properly poured beer has a head, or foam layer, of a minimum of this size.

What is 1"?


This percentage is the industry standard for draft beer.

What is 20%?


Owner Todd Hough explained that his tap room does this number of gross sales per year now.

What is 1 million?


This is the most common grain used in beer production.

What is barley?


When prohibition halted the need for crops for beer production, the Dutch farming community in the Gallatin Valley pivoted to growing wheat, peas, and this major crop, which is still an important part of the Gallatin Valley Agricultural community.

What are potatoes?


While Lagers are generally served at a colder temperature range of 35 to 45 degrees F, in order to accentuate their refreshing character, ales are recommended to be served at this range.

What is 45 to 55 degrees?


If I am attempting to obtain a 25% beer cost on a pint of beer that costs me $2.12, I should sell it for this price, rounding to the nearest quarter.

What is $8.50?


Todd described this process as the future of the brewing industry to assist with high labor costs and labor shortages.

What is automation?


This process that initially includes steeping a grain in water for a period of hours to days, allows the yeast to easily digest the grain and help transform its starches to simple sugars.

What is malting?


While he questions the claims validity, according to Michael Fox this Butte Brewery was advertising in the 1890s that they were selling a million glasses of beer a day.

What is the Centennial Brewery?