Who is the fourth CHILD in the family?
What always ends everything?
The letter G
What food has both potatoes and leeks?
Potato leek soup
Who is the person 3 years older than the 3rd child in the famiy
A Boy And A Doctor Went Fishing. The Boy Was The Doctor's Son But The Doctor Wasn't The Boy's Father. Who Is The Doctor?
The boy's mother
what has two cookies and cream in the middle but is not dairy?
Joe Joes
Who is the father of the father of the father of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th children?
Grandpa Beer
What Do An Island And The Letter T Have In Common?
They're both in the middle of water
What has two wings two legs and we like to gobble it up?
Who is The Mother of the grandmother of ours who is also the mother of Mommy and the one with 8 kid and the one with 5 kids?
Bobi 2
What Has Four Fingers And A Thumb, But Is Not Living?
A glove
What goes well with tomato soup and noonies in it?
tuna casserole
dmaanrg anan
Grandma nana
What is our code to the side door and what does it stand for?
2459z- 2 parents, 4 kids, 5 kids including Kasha, 9 in total (with the old fish)
If a chicken says, “All chickens are liars” is the chicken telling the truth?
Chickens cannot talk
What is GINORMOUS (your welcome Rami) yummy and Daddy likes to smoke? (we had it for ga's b-day)
adpgnar svtee
Grandpa Steve