Buzz Control: Emotional Regulation
Hive Talk: Effective Communication
Bee Limits: Setting Boundaries
Buzzwords: Word of the Day
Hive Queries: Q&A

What can you do if you start to feel nervous before a test? 

What is take deep breaths? 


What is a good way to start a conversation with someone?

What is saying "Hello" and asking them a question about themselves?


What is a simple way to let someone know you need space?

What is saying "I need a break" 


Finding my lost homework in my library book was a real SERENDIPITY- It was like a happy accident! 

What does SERENDIPITY mean?

A happy accident or finding something without looking. 


What can you say if you want to join a game? 

What is "Can I play too?"


If you are upset while doing homework, what is something simple to help you feel better? 

What is taking a short break?


If you need help with something, how can you ask for it clearly 

What is saying " Can you help me with this"? 


How can you tell a friend that you don't want to share your your personal things?

What is calmly saying " No. I don't feel like sharing"?


Your apology was really SINCERE; I could tell you were genuinely sorry for what happened. What does  SINCERE mean? 

Genuine and honest. 


How can you ask your classmate to stop making noises if you need to focus?

What is "Can you please be quieter?"


When you argue with a friend, what is a good way to start fixing things?

What is talking calmly with them? 


When you have a fight with a friend, what is a good first step to feel better? 

What is talking to them about it calmly? 


If someone is interrupting you, how can you politely ask them to stop?

What is saying "Please wait until I'm done talking"?


Listening to my favorite music gives me SOLACE when I'm feeling stressed out after a tough day at school.

What does SOLACE mean? 

Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness


If you need help with your homework, how can you ask your teacher?

What is "Can you help me with this?"


How can you feel less stressed when you have a lot of work to do? 

What is breaking the work into smaller steps? 


What is a good way to show you're listening carefully to someone?

What is eye contact and asking questions?


How can you set a boundary if you don't want to be bothered during study time?

What is saying "I need to focus right now, can we talk later?"


Even though the math problem was super tough, I stayed TENACIOUS and kept trying to get it right.

What does TENACIOUS mean? 

Holding fast or persistent 


If you are really mad because someone called you "dumb" or "stupid", how can you ask them to stop?

What is saying, "I'm really upset you called me that. Can you stop."?


What's a helpful way to deal with anger so you can stay friends with someone?

What is talking about your feelings and listening to them? 


When you are angry and don't feel like listening, what is a good way to communicate effectively? 

What is taking a deep breath and calming saying you need a moment to cool down? 


What is a good way to set a boundary with a classmate who is always asking for your help when you are busy?

What is saying " I cant help you right now, but maybe later when I'm not busy"?


His MELLIFLUOUS voice made the announcements sound so smooth that everyone listened to it during Cav connection. 

What does MELLIFLUOUS mean? 

Sweet or musical. Pleasant to hear. 

If you are extremely upset and a teacher approaches you in the hallway, but you feel like ignoring them, how can you ask them to give you some space? 

What is saying "Can you give me a minute to myself? I need time to calm down before we can talk."