Who is Bernadette?
Ollie's mom
Where do the characters in the story live?
New Jersey
What does Jacqueline Woodson typically write about?
Abuse, Family Relationships, Incarceration, Race, Sexuality, Friendship
Why do songwriters create protest poetry?
To call out something going on in society that they think is morally wrong.
How does ZJ feel when a bunch of people come over for his father's birthday?
Uneasy. He is observing more than talking to people. He is worried how people are perceiving his father.
Why do ZJ's grandmas come to visit after his dad's episode?
To give the Johnson family support.
What is symbolism?
The idea that things represent other things on a deeper level.
What could protest poetry be about?
Any inequality! Also could mention the government or a community in some way.
Who is Everett?
An older boy who wants to play pro football when he grows up.
Why is ZJ putting together these memories of his father?
Why is it important for children to see themselves represented in literature?
In order to see what potential they have in life, and to see people who look like them be treated with respect, be loved, and can have any job they want.
What was a song you remember from a student's protest poetry analysis presentation?
Could be multiple responses.
How does ZJ's mom keep the family functioning during this difficult time?
She reassures ZJ and provides for him, while also providing for Zachariah.
Who is ZJ's most supportive friend?
Daniel’s super chill, says stuff like
You okay, my man? You need to talk?
And really means it. And really listens.
What is conflict in literature?
A literary device that occurs when a character faces an obstacle to their needs or wants
How could a protest song written several years ago be relevant to today.
If the issues still occur in society, then the song are still relevant.
How would you definite ZJ as a person?
ZJ is a kind, loving boy, who is hurting and needs support while dealing with a traumatic experience.
Why don't the doctors have a better understanding of why ZJ's dad is so sick?
They do not have enough research to understand CTE.
Explain Toxic Masculinity, and how it is dismantled in the book.
Toxic Masculinity is a set of harmful beliefs and behaviors that are often associated with traditional male roles
How might there be resistance to protest songs/protest poetry?
Protest poetry is not always welcome by the people in government/society who are intentionally disadvantaging a specific group.