What is the German expression for the colors:
Red, Yellow, Purple
rot, gelb, lila
What are the translations for the words
yes, no
please, Thank You
ja, nein
Bitte, danke
How do you say
My name is . . .
Ich heiße
ha - a- u - ess
How do you say
What is your name? (informal)
Wie heißt du?
What are the German expressions for the colors:
Orange, Green, Blue
orange, grün, blau
What are the expressions for the phrases:
Good Morning, Good Day/afternoon, Good Evening, Good Night, Goodbye
Guten Morgen, Guten Tag, Guten Abend, Guten Nacht, Bis Später/Tschüss
How do you say
I am from . . .
Ich komme aus . . .
Anna Adler
Großes ah -Doppel enn - ah
Großes ah - deh - ell - eh -r
How do you say
Where are you from? (informal)
Woher kommst du?
What are the German expressions for the colors:
grey, white, black
grau, weiss, schwarz
How do you translate:
How are you?
Wie geht es Ihnen?/Wie geht's?
How do you say
Ben is from East Lansing
Ben ist/kommt aus East Lansing.
eff -er - eh - u - en - deh - ell - ih - cee - ha
How do you say
Where do you live? (informal)
Wo wohnst du?
What are the German expressionsfor the colors:
brown, beige, pink
braun, beige, rosa
How do you say:
I am doing well.
Es geht mir gut.
How do you say
She is friendly.
Sie ist freundlich
What is the number 51 in German
How do you say
How old are you? (informal)
Wie alt bist du?
If you want to describe a color as light or dark, what German words will you use?
hell-color (light)
dunkel-color (dark)
What is the expression for:
With kind regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
How do you say
They are students
Sie sind Studenten / Studentinnen / Studierende
What are the German equivalents to
der, die, das
How do you say
What are your hobbies? (formal)
Was sind Ihre Hobbies?