Which Breed is Long bodied,white in color with erect ears?
What is the slogan of the fair this year?
To fair and Beyond
What is a castrated male pig called?
Where does bacon come from?
Ribs/ Belly
What was the name of the guest speaker who has his own processing business?
Kyle Labrucherie
Which breed is Red in color with floppy ears?
What is the date of the Swine Show?
Bonus point: what time?
May 18th at 8am
Right ear notch tells you what?
Litter number
What is the most expensive cut of meat?
What did the current highest selling pig sell for?
$380,000 WD Swine Farms in 2013
What breed is long bodied, White in color and has down/ droopy ears and is know for it's mothering ability?
Chester White
What two types of winners must sell at the fair?
Champion and Reserve Champion
Two toes
Two Dewclaws
What is the most common cut of meat?
loin chop
rib chop
What is the main ingredient in your pigs feed?
What two breeds make up a "bluebutt"?
Yorkshire and Hampshire
What forms do you need at the scale?
Medical Declaration, Country of Origin, Prop 12 and Bill of sale
What is a female pig called that has not had a litter yet?
What is the cut of meat found on the rear of a pig called?
What is the name of the pig in the movie Moana?
Which of the following is not a breed of pigs?
What page numbers can information for the pig show and class descriptions be found?
16 and 17
Are pigs monogastric or ruminant?
Where else can you harvest bacon from on a pig?
The jowl
Name one of Alyssa's favorite Swine Sullivans Products?
Revive, sudden impact, flare, final bloom