What is a half note?
One note below DO.
What is TI?
This sign raises a note by 1/2 step.
What is a sharp?
What is soft?
Sing the first line of our concert's SLOW SONG.
What is Deo, dicamus, gratias?
Two quarter notes tied together equal how many beats held?
What is two beats?
Two notes above FA.
What is LA?
Two of the same notes can be connected by this sign.
What is a tie?
Sing the first section of the FAST concert song.
What is "Hi, ho, the boatmen row, floating down the river, the Ohio"?
What is one beat?
The fifth note in a solfege scale.
What is SOL?
Two different notes can be connected by this sign.
What is a slur?
mezzo forte
What is medium loud?
This is a scale going up, using all "syllables".
What is "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do"?
A rest that looks like an upside-down hat, dangling from a staff line, is called...
What is a whole rest?
The third note after LA?
What is RE?
This sign has a "mirror twin" - it looks the same, only reversed.
What is a repeat sign?
What is mezzo piano?
The lyrics of this round mention a boy using a ladle to scoop a banana into a hat.
What is "Sisi, sisi, dolada, Yaku sine la du banaha."
This is the number of 16th notes needed to equal one beat.
What is four 16th notes?
When singing an intervals solfege warm-up in 3rds, this note follows DO, MI, RE, FA.
What is MI?
Which words means "short, detached":
a. Staccato
b. Legato
c. Accent
What is staccato?
Why we add dynamics to a piece of music.
What is "so we can play it the way the composer intended"?
This was the up-tempo Irish song from our winter concert.
What is "Christmas in Killarney with all of the folks at home"?