Scripture General
Baptism of Jesus / Call of Apostles
Biblical Locations
Parables & Miracles

Who are the 2 authors of Scripture?

What is God / Holy Spirit and the human author?


Why the Baptism of Jesus is significant

What is it is the beginning of Jesus' public ministry and His manifestation as the Son of God?


Place where Jesus was born

What is Bethlehem?


The title of someone who writes a Gospel

What is an evangelist?


Define a miracle

What s a phenomenon that has no natural cause and can only be an act of God?


Name the four evangelists

What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John


Name Peter and Matthew's occupations before they were called to follow Jesus

What is Peter- fisherman and Matthew - tax collector?


Place where Jesus suffered and died

What is Jerusalem?


What is the name of the Word of God and truths of the faith passed down in written form?

What is Sacred Scripture?

Define a parable

What is a story that Jesus told to teach about Himself and the Kingdom of God?


Number of books in the New Testament

What is 27?


What we learn about our identity as baptized Christians from the baptism of Jesus

What is we are children of God?


Place where Jesus called Peter and Andrew

What is the Sea of Galilee?


Name of the truths of our faith passed down orally from one generation to the next

What is Sacred Tradition?


Why Jesus taught using parables

What is to make the lesson easier to understand, to teach deeper meanings and to apply to the original audience and us


What is a synoptic Gospel and name the 3 Synoptic Gospels

What is a Gospel that is 'seen together' - Matthew, Mark and Luke are very similar Gospels


Summarize the call of Nathanael.

What is Philip invited him to meet Jesus, he ridiculed Jesus because He was from Nazareth, when Jesus met him, He said He had seen him under the fig tree and Nathanael professes faith in Jesus and follows Him


Place where Jesus met Zacchaeus in the tree

What is Jericho?


Preaching the Good News of Jesus through words or example

What is evangelization?


In the parable of Good Samaritan, what lesson is Jesus teaching us about how to treat our neighbors

What is to help those in need around us, regardless of who they are?


Name the four symbols of the four Evangelists

What is Matthew - man, Mark - lion, Luke - ox, John - eagle?


Name at least two similarities betweem the callings of Peter, Matthew and Nathanael.

What is, Jesus invited them to follow, they left everything an followed Him?


Place where Jesus met the woman at the well

What is Sychar? (in Samaria)


The teaching authority of the Church

What is the Magisterium?


In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, what is Jesus teaching us about heaven and God's mercy?

What is God is free to give His mercy to anyone He wants, and even if a person converts at the final hour, they can receive His mercy and go to heaven?