How long should a scholar be gone for the restroom
What is 5- 10 minutes?
How a scholar should enter the classroom
What is quietly and respectfully, and getting right to work
The correct side of the hallway to walk on
What is the right side?
The teacher's assistant job duties are
Help with anything the teacher needs, handing out papers, filling in for absent scholar jobs
What is in the trash can
How long a scholar should be gone for a water break
What is 2 minutes?
3 things a scholar should do as soon as they come to school, no matter what time it is
1. Write homework in planner; 2. Turn in yesterday's homework; 3. Check mailbox and pick up today's homework
Order that our class lines up in
What is number order? (Excepting jobs)
The line leader stands
2 steps behind the door, in front of the door holders
When entering the lunch room, scholars should...
What is walk in line and wait patiently for their turn (without shoving others or running!!)
How many pencils should a scholar have in their pencil bag
What is no more than 3
Scholars writing should be...
What is cursive and neat?
2 words to describe how scholars should line up
What is quickly and silently?
Times in the day when the librarians do their job
When work is done, after bellwork is complete
When buying a hot lunch, what is needed?
The number of library books a scholar may keep in their desk at once
What is 1?
Scholars desks should be kept
What is organized?
How scholars should walk in hallway when not with class
What is walking with purpose
After holding the door for the entire class, the door holder's next step is to...
What is follow the end of the line?
When the whistle blows at recess, what do you do?
Run to line up Right Away