Where do you put your backpacks?
How many students are allowed out of each class to go the bathroom at a single time?
Where should you turn in your Reading/Writing/Grammar homework?
Ms. Galante's turn in bins
What do I do if my pencil breaks?
take your broken pencils and switch them out for sharpened pencils
Where does bus dismiss from?
Ms. Borges room
Who should stop and get breakfast?
Everyone. If you don't want breakfast that morning put it in the sharebin for others who might want it.
How many paper towels should you use? and what should you do when your done with them?
two and throw them IN the trashcan
Where should you turn in your math/science homework?
Ms. Borges' turn in bin
Where should my cell phone be at all times during the day?
in your backpack, on silent or turned off
Where does K-Tech dismiss from?
Ms. Borges Room
When should you stop and get breakfast?
BEFORE entering the classroom
What should I bring with me when switching classes?
My pencil pouch and headphones
How is work collected?
A. turned into the correct bucket (wizards or Eras)
B. Glued into your notebook
C. Collected at your seats
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
No, remember you share a desk with people, so do not leave personal items in your desk. You should not touch other peoples things, including the teacher. Our desks and working areas are off limits to students.
Where does Front Car riders and Backgate dismiss from?
Ms. Galante's Room
What should you do when you enter the classroom?
put your backpack away, eat breakfast, complete your morning work
When should I book shop for silent reading books?
In the morning before the day begins
When should I sharpen my pencil?
At the beginning of the day, take all the pencils in your pencil pouch and make sure they are sharp and you have all the materials for learning.
What do you need to do to pack up?
Grab your backpack, empty your mailbox, stack your chairs at the end of each table group
Where do you put your morning work?
In your folder, except on Fridays, when they are due. Then you turn it into the correct bucket. :)
What is one rule associated with the technology?
*Computers must be used at your desk
*Use headphones
*Carry computer with two hands
*Only go on the website you are directed to go on
*No food or drink near computers
*plug in computer when put away
How do House Points work?
When one person in your house/era is following our school wide expectations then all people in that House/Era gets a point.
What belongs in my pencil pouch?
3 sharpened pencils, an eraser, a highlighter, a glue stick, and a pen for grading only.
When walking in line, at dismissal and any other time, we should always be in a 4S line. What do the 4 S's stand for?
Safe, Silent, Straight, Setting a good example