Sign of the Times
Wars & Agreements
This hands-off policy was practiced during the first half of the 1700s when England interfered very little in colonial affairs.
What is salutary neglect
Made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, this was England's chief lawmaking body
What is Parliament
Wanting to rule England with total authority, this even took place when the English Parliament agreed to overthrow King James for not respecting its rights. The crown was then offered to James's Protestant daughter, Mary, and her husband, William of Orange.
What is Glorious Revolution
Colonial America had a higher rate of this compared to those in England.
What is literacy rate (ability to read)
Known agreement, as the Great Charter, guaranteed that noblemen could not have their property seized by the king or his officials, could not be taxed in most cases, and they could not be put to trial without witnesses.
What is the Magna Carta?
This young teen learned a trade from an experienced craftsman.
What is an apprentice
This man angered the colonists by ending the colonists representative assemblies and only allowing town hall meetings once a year.
Who is Edmund Andros
Ownership of this commodity gave colonists the right to vote
What is land
Most children were taught to read in the colonies so they could understand this book
What is the Bible
This war decided which nation would control the northern and eastern parts of North America
What is the French and Indian War
Jonathan Edwards, one of the best-known preachers of his time, helped to inspire this religious movement in the 1730s and 1740s.
What is the Great Awakening
This man is the publisher of the New-York Weekly Journal and stood trial for printing criticism of New York's governor.
Who is John Peter Zenger
As a result of its good harbors and abundance (having lots) of fish and whales in the area, which region/area in the 13 colonies had its economy based on shipping, fishing, whaling and trade?
What are the Northern Colonies (New England)
Women could not hold office, preach, or exercise this particular right that is now enjoyed by all females.
What is the right to vote
This plan proposed to unite the colonies for defensive purposes against the French; it was modeled after the Iroquois Nation agreement and written by Benjamin Franklin.
What is the Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin emphasized reason and science as the paths to knowledge. This movement was known as what.
What is the Enlightenment
This Ottowa war leader was an organizer of a large Native American rebellion against the British
Who is Pontiac
Even though all of the colonial areas had slaves, this region/area had its economy based on cash crops - particularly tobacco, and as a result had the greatest number of slaves
What are the Southern Colonies
This gentleman proved that lightning was a form of electricity and invented the lightening rod to protect buildings.
Who is Benjamin Franklin
This battle was the turning point in the French and Indian War
What is the Battle of Quebec?
John Locke argued that people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property. These are called:
What is unalienable rights
As a result of the French and Indian War, which country lost almost all the land it claimed in North America?
What is France
This form of reading material was very popular back in the 1700s.
What is the almanac
This Act, the first of its kind, controlled colonial trade and inadvertently encouraged the smuggling of goods.
What are the Navigation Acts?
This Treaty and Proclamation angered the colonists greatly. It provided Britain with lands west of the Mississippi River, but also prevented the colonists from settling in that same area.
What are the Treaty of Paris and Proclamation Line of 1763?