behaviour assessment
target bx
random lol

what is a behaviour assessment (as per cooper et al., 2020)

“A comprehensive behavioural assessment informs planning, provides guidance for implementation, and assists with evaluations” (Cooper et al., 2020)

week 2


what is determinism?

everything happens for a reason - every behaviour happens for a reason

week 3


what are the three characteristics of an operational definition?

clear, objective, & complete

week 3


name three (3) biological factors

medication, neurological impairments, genetics, gender, neurochemistry

week 4


what are the 2 main ethical codes behaviour analysts in Ontario follow?

CPBAO: Standards of Professional Conduct

BACB: Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts

week 2


what are the three (3) levels of FBA?

1. indirect assessment

2. direct assessment 

3. functional analysis

week 2


what are the 4 functions of behaviour





week 3


true/false: target behaviours for operational definition do not need to be observable


Includes observable, concrete actions that can be perceived by the senses

week 3


true/false. coping skills typically fall under the social domain of the biopsychosocial model


typically they fall under the psychological domain

week 4


what are the branches of behaviour analysis?

1. conceptual analysis of behaviour (cab)

2. experimental analysis of behaviour (eab)

3. applied behaviour analysis (aba)

4. service delivery 

week 2


what is an ecological assessment?

analyzing environmental variables that impact the client and the behaviour of interest

week 2


what is the difference between POSITIVE vs NEGATIVE reinforement?

+ive R+ 

formal definition: “A response followed be the presentation of a stimulus change that results in similar responses in the future” (Cooper et al., 2020)

plain language: Adding something when a behaviour occurs that increases the probability of that behaviour happening again

-ive R+

-formal definition: “A contingency in which the occurrence of a response is followed by the immediate termination, reduction, postponement, or avoidance of a stimulus, and which leads to an increase in the future occurrence of that behaviour” (Cooper et al., 2020)

-plain language: Removing something when a behaviour occurs that increases the probability of that behaviour happening again

**remember, -ive R+ is related to the removal or avoidance of an aversive stimulus

week 3


what are overt behaviours? what are covert behaviours?

overt = observable by others (e.g., jumping, swearing, reading,)

covert = within the skin (ick) (e.g., thinking, anxiety)

week 3


true/false: biopsychosocial model is static and there is no overlap


week 4


true/false: when there is a medical problem, behaviour analysts can independently out ABA the medical problem



what is social significance? what is social validity?

-social SIGNIFICANCE refers to the importance of the behaviour identified for behaviour change in someone’s life

-social VALIDITY is the degree to which assessment and intervention procedures, goals, and results are accepted by those impacted by the procedures

week 2


what is the difference between AUTOMATIC vs SOCIALLY mediated reinforcement?

automatically mediated

-formal definition: “Reinforcement that occur independent of the social mediation by others” (Cooper et al., 2020)

-plain language: You provide your own reinforcement

socially mediated

-formal definition: “A contingency in which an antecedent stimulus and/or the consequence for the behaviour is presented by another person” (Cooper et al., 2020)

-plain language: Someone else provides you with reinforcement

week 3


what is the dead mans test?

if a dead man can do it, it is not a behaviour 

week 3


what are the investigating conditions?

Events that “signal” that challenging behaviour is going to be more likely to occur (Gardner, 1998)

week 4


true/false: FBAs and descriptive assessments are different procedures? 


-FBA is the umbrella term for the process of assessing/evaluating behaviour and it's function - it may include indirect assessments, direct assessments, and functional analysis

-descriptive assessments is an AKA for when a practitioner only completes an indirect assessment and direct assessment

week 2


sam is a 44-year-old woman from manchester, england. she is non-vocal and has an ABI. her challenging behaviours include:

a) loud vocalizations overnight

b) SIB (head hitting with an open or closed hand)

c) inappropriate voiding outside of a restroom

Which behavior should be the first targeted for intervention?

b) SIB (head hitting with an open or closed hand)

-due to the risk of harm to self (or others)

-harmful or risky behaviours ALWAYS target first


sammy loves chappell roan. sammy listens to chappell roan on her drive to the go station. on her drive, sammy turns up the music and loudly singings on her commute. she enjoys her carpool karaoke sessions. sammy is likely to continue her carpool karaoke sessions.

describe the type of reinforcement that is occurring

automatic positive reinforcement 

automatic/socially mediate = AUTOMATIC (she provides her own R+)

positive/negative = POSITIVE (increasing volume)


what are function-based definitions? what are topography-based definitions?

function-based definitions = describes several different variations of a behaviour that serve a similar function

topography-based definitions = describe how a behaviour looks 

week 3


name the vulnerability conditions

Physical Environment: noises, smells, lighting

Social Environment: certain people, changes in routine, termination of preferred activity

Psychological Conditions: fears, boredom

Medical Conditions: pain, disorientation, irritability

Psychiatric Conditions: cognitive, perception, motor symptoms that cause distress

week 4


samson's mom, megan, is very proud of samson for competing his class with high marks. megan buys samson a gift basket of treats for his great work. samson is likely to work hard in the future.

describe the reinforcement samson is receiving.

social positive reinforcement 

automatic/socially mediate = SOCIAL (megan provides R+ to samson)

positive/negative = POSITIVE (adding a gift basket)