Goofy Faces
Under the Blanket
The Right Thing to Do
Rewards and Consequences

True or False:  When I go to school on Zoom I can act however I want, after all I am at home.

False - Your behavior on Zoom should be the same as it is in the classroom.  You may be at home, but you are in school!


I should probably stop making goofy faces in my camera because ___________

I would get in trouble at school for doing it, and I will get in trouble for doing it in a Zoom classroom 


When I am in a Zoom classroom it is okay for me to hide under my blanket.

No!  Zoom is school, we would not allow you to do that in a classroom and won't allow it in Zoom.  We need to see your face so we know you are working. 


When I am in a Zoom classroom and the teacher instructs me to do something, the right thing to do is

Follow their directions


When I act like I am in school when I am in a Zoom classroom I get _________ by my teachers.



When I am sitting in a Zoom classroom I should show ____________

Sit. Lean forward. Nod. Ask and answer questions. Track the speaker



When I make goofy faces in my camera I am:

a.  Funny

b. Cute

c. Disrupting the rest of the class

c.  Disrupting the rest of the class


When I throw a blanket over my head or camera I am showing my teacher a total _____ ______ ______

Lack of respect


When I am in a Zoom classroom and my neighbors want to play with me, the right thing to do is

Tell them you are in school and can play at lunch, or after school

When I play around, make faces, hide under a blanket and act disrespectful to teachers in a Zoom classroom I have ________________ when we return to the classroom



When in a Zoom classroom my eyes should be ____

On the screen watching the teacher!


When I am making goofy faces on my camera I am not ____________ or ______________

Paying attention or learning


True or False: When I am under my blanket I can learn just as much as when I am looking at the screen

False, you can't learn if you can't see what the teacher is presenting to you


When I am in a Zoom classroom and I have a question, the right thing to do is

Raise my hand


_____________ I may get when I return to school, if I am good in my Zoom classroom, could include extra points ($$), extra breaks, a special reward from the teacher, or something else I really want. 



I should do this with my camera when I am in a Zoom classroom

Leave it on and leave it alone! It is not a toy or a way for you to make faces at your friends


Goofy faces are ____________________ to the teacher!



Getting under my blanket should be done __ __ ____ ____, not in school

On my own time, not in  school


When I get frustrated during a Zoom classroom, the right thing to do is

Remember I am in school and use my self calming strategies to calm down


_____________ I get when we return to school, if I am rude and disrespectful, could include missed recess, my day being spent in the MAB room instead of the classroom, making up missed work during my breaks, and no time with my friends.



When I am in a Zoom classroom I should be working at _________________

A table, desk or other hard surface. 


When I make goofy faces at the camera other people think I am ___________   ___________

Behaving badly


Getting under my blanket during a Zoom classroom is ___________ behavior



When I am in a Zoom classroom the right thing to do is

Act like I am in my regular classroom

If I get a consequence tomorrow when we return to school, instead of a reward, I should:

a.  Act the same way next time we have to go online for classes

b. Change my behavior and show respect in the Zoom classroom

b.  Change my behavior and show respect in the Zoom classroom.