Ace runs from the table to another part of the class room?
What does the "A" in A-B-C stand for?
What is the least invasive prompt?
What de-escalation strategy do we use when we wait until we see the student show calming behavior?
Wait strategy
An action someone else is able to observe is what?
Armani bangs on the smart board and looks at an adult. When adult redirects him he laughs.
What does the "C" in A-B-C stand for?
What is the most invasive prompt?
Full physical
What strategy do we use early on only if the student wants something?
Help strategy
What is a BIP?
Behavior Intervention Plan
Aiden spins in a circle and is smiling.
What does the "B" in A-B-C stand for?
What is the prompt called when using words to tell a student how to complete a task?
What strategy do we use when the help strategy isn't working and there is a good chance the student will complete the demand?
Prompt strategy
An Antecedent strategy to evoke a correct response from an individual is called?
William is told no about leaving the area he is supposed to be in and points at a toy.
Johanna is told to complete her worksheet by Jack. She completes the worksheet independently and is then told she can go play. What is the ANTECEDENT?
Told to complete work by Jack
What kind of prompt is is when we show a student how to do something?
William is escalated, he is asked to do a worksheet and is screaming. Hannah waits until William takes a deep breath and says he is ready to work. What de-escalation strategy is this?
Wait strategy
What happens before the behavior (demand, denial, etc) is called?
Titus runs from area when demand is placed. Once and adult goes to redirect him back to area he laughs and runs away.
escape and attention
Antwain is told to sit in circle by Liza. He runs away and when he runs he hits Titus. Liza redirects him to the calm down area until calm. Once he is calm, Liza starts a timer. Once the timer is off Liza redirects him back to the circle area. What is the A-B-C Data?
A-Told to sit in circle
B-Runs away from area, hits Titus
C-Is redirected to calm down area and once calm is redirected back to circle time.
What kind of prompt is it when we point to help a student complete a task?
Antwain is playing with the blocks. He is struggling with putting them together and has started throwing them. What de-escalation strategy is best to use?
Prompt strategy
What happens directly after the behavior (attention given, demand removed, etc) is called?