Encouraging good behavior
What is set clear expectations, create a structured environment, consider environmental factors, give praise, and create a reward menu?
What is the ability to regulate emotions and behaviors to soothe and manage stressing internal sensory input or external situations, with the support and direction of a connecting individual?
The order of the behavior cycle
What is calm, trigger, agitation, escalation, peak, de-escalation, and recovery?
Interventions for trigger
What is focus on preventative measures such as: find ways to adjust the environment to avoid the trigger, consider factors that may be influencing a child's behavior, remind the child of skills and strategies they can use, and focus on positive behaviors?
What is consistency, predictability, and follow-through?
Dealing with bad behavior
What is observe and document bad behavior, discourage mild misbehavior with active ignoring, establish and enforce effective consequences, and collaborate with parents?
Emotional Intelligence
What is activities or events that set off the behavior cycle?
Interventions for agitation
What is interventions focus on redirection and calming such as: provide choices, provide support, and cue appropriate skills?
Define consistency and give an example
What is doing the same thing every time. Example: you use time-out in the daycare every time a child hits another child. You do this even when you are tired from a stressful day at work?
What is deep breathing, toys and stuffed animals, and nature?
What is the child becomes frustrated or distressed?
Interventions for escalation
What is interventions focus on safety such as: verbal guidance (share ideas for alternative behaviors, direct them to use a calm down strategy, use an empathetic remark) and physical prompt (move the child away from others, if safe, block the dangerous behavior in a non-intrusive manner)?
Define predictability and give an example
What is expecting or knowing what is going to happen? Example: a child knows that if they hit someone while playing, they will go to time-out every time
Consistency with other caregivers
What is keep communication open between caregivers so that everyone understands the consistent message you want to give the child and provides the same rules?
Co-regulation in toddlers
What is caregivers can offer calming tools such as a sip of water, slow walk, singing a song, a break, etc.?
What is the intensity of the behavior increases and may become unsafe?
Interventions for peak
What is interventions focus on keeping the child and others safe such as: employ any safety measures, request support as needed to ensure safety, keep a familiar trusted adult with a child in distress, consider removing a child from the situation, and avoid power struggles?
What is enforcing the consequence? Example: a child doesn't follow your direction, and you give a warning that they will not get a treat if they don't follow your direction. The child doesn't do what you ask of them. They don't get a treat.
Benefits of giving children choices
What is allows kids to gain independence which helps them to feel empowered and take ownership of their experiences?
Co-regulation in preschoolers
What is caregivers can help by providing ideas for strategies and activities?
What is the child is beginning to calm, and the intensity of behavior and emotions decrease?
Interventions for de-escalation
What is interventions focus on removing excess attention and preparing to reintegrate the child with the rest of the class such as: allow the child space and time to recover, and focus on starting over (offer them choices on what to do next, avoid blaming, and don't force an apology)
Inconsistency is harmful to children
What is they learn they can't count on caregivers' rules and expectations which can cause aggression, hostility, complacency, confusion, and unruliness?