Partial Transmission and Reflection

Define Transmission

Transmission is the passing of light or other forms of energy through matter.


Define reflection

Reflection is the bouncing back of a ray of light, sound, or heat when the ray hits a surface that it does not go through.


Define refraction

Refraction is the bending of a wave as the wave passes between two substances in which the speed of the wave differs.


What happens when a wave encounters a new medium?

It is partially reflected and partially transmitted.


What does it mean for a wave to be absorbed by a material?

its energy is taken in by the material. This energy is often converted into heat.


When does transmission occur?

It occurs when a wave travels across a boundary between media.


When does reflection occur?

It occurs when waves bounce off a boundary between two media.


When does refraction occur?

It occurs when the path of a wave bends due to a change in wave speed.

How does the amplitude of the reflected wave relate to the amplitude of the original wave.

It is smaller because it has less energy.


What happens to the energy of a mechanical wave as it moves through a medium?

its energy is transferred, causing the particles in the medium to move and bump into one another. Some of the wave's energy is changed into thermal energy through friction.


When is energy not transmitted?

Energy is not transmitted when it is absorbed or reflected.


When you hear an echo, what is happening to the sound wave?

When I hear an echo the sound wave is reflecting off of the walls over and over again.


What does the amount of refraction depend on?

The amount of refraction depends on the angle at which the wave encounters the boundary and how much the speed of the wave changes.


What happens to the energy of a wave when it is partially reflected and partially transmitted?

The energy of a wave is split between the transmitted wave and the reflected wave.


How does absorption affect the energy of a wave and the medium it travels through?

the medium gains energy, while the wave loses some of its energy. 


How does the process of a sound wave traveling through a wall differ from when it travels through the air?

The sound wave will change speed because of the new medium.


How does the reflection of sound help explain what you hear?

It explains how sound waves are encountering a new medium and reflecting back to us.


What happens to a light wave when it passes from air into water?

When a light wave passes from air into water, it slows down and bends.


What is the difference between partial reflection and partial transmission of a wave when it strikes a boundary between two materials?

partial reflection occurs when some of the wave bounces back into the original material.

partial transmission happens when the rest of the wave passes through the boundary into the new material


Why is some of the energy of a wave converted into thermal energy during absorption?

Because of friction between the particles in the medium. As the particles collide the energy is transferred into heat energy.


Imagine you're in a room with loud music playing, but you’re outside the room. What factor might influence how much of the music you can hear?

The amount of energy that is absorbed by the wall.


If a light wave hits a mirror at a 45° angle, what angle will it bounce off the mirror?

The light wave will bounce off the mirror at the same 45° angle because the angle of incidence is equal to the same angle of reflection.


How does the speed of light change when it moves from air into a more dense material like glass?

Its speed decreases causing the light to bend


What determines how much of a wave is reflected and how much is transmitted when it encounters a boundary between two materials?

The differences in their densities. A larger difference in these properties generally leads to more reflection and less transmission, while smaller differences allow more transmission and less reflection.


What type of materials typically absorb sound waves well?

Soft, dense materials like foam, carpet, and curtains absorb sound waves well.