Target Behaviors
Replacement Skills
Reactive Strategies
Proactive Strategies
Data Collection

The definition of this target behavior is "leaving the designated area without supervision levels being met"



What is a replacement skill?

A skill that will replace an unwanted or challenging behavior. 


When April engages in elopement and is running out of the home/door, what should staff do? 

Follow her to ensure safety and supervision. Redirect her by asking engaging conversation questions. Redirect her back to the group home. Provide praise once she starts returning back AND when she gets back into the home/area. 


When should you use/practice proactive strategies?

Before a behavior occurs - to try to prevent a behavior


When do you need to enter behavior data?

AT LEAST once per shift


Define/Describe physical aggression

hitting (open hand), punching (closed hand), pulling hair, pushing


What are April's replacement skills?

Emotional Regulation and Communication Skills


TRUE OR FALSE: Once April walks out the door during elopement, staff should call 911 immediately. 

FALSE. Staff should follow the reactive strategies of the BSP, which also state that 911 should be called if you follow her and lose sight of her. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Proactive strategies may take more time and patience to implement than reactive strategies.

TRUE! Although the outcomes can be more positive! YOU CAN DO IT!


What is the start and end time for tracking?

Start and end times should match shift start and end times. 


What is a target behavior?

A target behavior is a specific action or response that is identified for observation, measurement, and modification.


According to behavior assessments, what is April trying to communicate when engaging in behaviors, and what do we teach her to use replacement skills for instead?

April is attempting to get access to tangibles when she engages in physical aggression. April is attempting to escape from a non-preferred item/activity/person when she engages in elopement. 


TRUE OR FALSE. If April pulls your hair, your reaction should be to scream and call 911. 

FALSE - Remain calm, 911 does not need to be called, follow the reactive strategies in the BSP, give her time and space to de-escalate while monitoring at a safe distance. 

What are some tasks included in April's activity engagement?

Taking a walk, Dancing, Playing catch, cooking, laundry


What numbers should be entered into the top box of tracking?

FREQUENCY - the number of times April engaged in the behavior during the shift. 


What are some triggers that can lead to April engaging in target behaviors?

Not being able to find a specific item, being told "NO", yelling and cursing


True or False: The goal for replacement skills is to see them decrease, the same way we would like to see target behavior frequencies decrease. 

FALSE - Replacement skills are taught to REPLACE target behaviors for communication. We teach these skills with goals of seeing them increase as the target behaviors decrease. 


TRUE OR FALSE. If the reactive strategies are being followed and do NOT help decrease April's engagement in behaviors, nothing else can be done. 

FALSE - Communicating with the behaviorist if the reactive strategies are not effective is important! If data is showing an increase instead of a decrease, the behavior team can update the BSP using new strategies. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Transitional Warnings are one of April's proactive strategies. 



TRUE OR FALSE: Behavior data is collected on paper tracking sheets. 

FALSE - Behavior data is tracked and entered into "Positive Behavior Support Plan" ISP program in Therap. 


Does April have a behavior support plan?



Do replacement skills get tracked? 

YES - through ISP data collection program 


TRUE OR FALSE. After each behavior episode, once April is de-escalated, staff should notify the behavior specialist.

TRUE - It is important to add the data to the Therap tracking, but it is also important to communicate the behavior occurrences to the behaviorist for assistance. 


Do proactive strategies get tracked?

NO! But they can be added to the comments if they were utilized before a target behavior & reactive occurred. 


Who is the behavior specialist assigned to work with April at the group home?

Michelle Miller