Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
Operant Conditioning
Measurement &
Small-n design
“the science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied systematically to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for behavior change.”
What is applied behavior analysis?
Responses that require more effort or less effort diminish more quickly during extinction?
What is a more effort?
In respondent conditioning, antecedents "elicit" the behavior or response. The term used to describe the effect that antecedents have on behavior in operant conditioning is
What is evoke?
At a party, Scott drinks a lot, and meets three pretty girls. Now Scott drinks even more at parties. This is an example of
What is positive reinforcement?
Mike counts the number of times that his brother picks his nose during each minute of the 30 minute car ride to school. Mike is measuring what dimension of his brother's behavior?
What is rate (or frequency)?
These types of schedules produce higher rates of responding
What are ratio schedules?
This schedule of reinforcement is more resistant to extinction
What is intermittent reinforcement?
The stimulus/response pairing (three-term contingency) in operant conditioning
What is antecedent-behavior-consequence?
Marie wears a very short skirt to the club. The doorman lets her in for free (instead of the $10 cover charge). Now Marie always wears short skirts to the club. This is an example of what type of negative reinforcement
What is avoidance?
Johnny is measuring how long he runs on the treadmill each day. Johnny is using what type of measurement?
What is duration?
These types of schedules tend to produce responding that occurs in a pause and burst pattern
What are fixed schedules?
This is a sudden reappearance of a response after a period of extinction
What is spontaneous recovery?
Antecedent stimuli present during reinforcement and punishment, that then influence how likely behavior will occur under those same situations in the future are
What are discriminative stimuli?
Sandy gets in the car, turns it on, and drives away. As she is driving, the seatbelt noise starts to sound. She finally puts her seatbelt on and the annoying sound stops. This is an example of what type of reinforcement?
What is escape?
When a behavior analyst collects baseline data, then begins using an intervention, withdraws the intervention (goes back to baseline), and then reimplements the intervention again. The behavior analyst is using a _______ design.
What is a reversal (withdrawal or ABAB) design?
These types of schedules produce consistent and steady rates of behavior
What are variable schedules?
The reappearance of a previously reinforced response when a more recently reinforced response is extinguished.
What is resurgence?
This type of motivating operation increases the value of a reinforcer, making it more likely that the behavior will occur to gain access to the reinforcer?
What is establishing operation?
Stimuli that have become reinforcers because they have been paired with primary reinforcers
What are conditioned reinforcers?
A behavior analyst is comparing the effectiveness of two potential interventions by randomly alternating between the interventions when conducting sessions. The behavior analyst is using a _______ design.
What is a multi-element or alternating treatments design?
This explains how responding equals the availability of reinforcement on concurrent schedules
What is the Matching Law?
Steven puts a dollar in the vending machine and pushes the Coke button. Nothing comes out. He presses it a few more times and nothing comes out. So, he kicks and shakes the machine. These behaviors occur because of what extinction effect?
What is extinction-induced response variability?
In this procedure a human or animal can only emit one response at a time. Completing the behavior ends the trial, and the experimenter must restart the next trial.
What is a discrete trial procedure?
This theory proposes that a highly probable behaviors can reinforce less probably behaviors. Also known as Grandma's Rule.
What is the Premark Principle?
A behavior analyst evaluates the effectiveness of an intervention to change her client's behavior in three different settings. The behavior analyst begins implementing the intervention in a new setting only after the child's behavior has changed in the previous setting. The behavior analyst is using a _____ design.
What is a multiple baseline design?