
If I do not understand something I should?

a) skip the problem

b) ask for help from the teacher

c) ask a friend for the answer

d) throw the work on the ground

b) ask for help from the teacher


Where should my hands be in the hallway?

By my side or behind my back.


You see Joe pushing another kid down the side, you should;

a) get help from the teacher

b) Push Joe also

c) yell at Joe to stop

a) get help from the teacher


When I leave to go home I should grab things out of other peoples cubby's and take it with me.

True or False?

False-You keep your hands to yourself and don't touch things that do not belong to you.


My hands should be on someone else's tray when?



I should talk in class when?

The teachers calls on me.


Your walking in line and your friend has something to tell you. Do you, 

a.) hurry up and talk before you get into class 

b.) turn around and ask them to wait 

c.) ignore them and continue walking

c)ignore them and continue walking


You are playing with Rose and Tim walks up and ask to play but Rose is being mean and saying things like "no we don't play with short people" and " go away we don't like you". What should you do or say?

Answers may vary


What should you do if you or someone else is being bullied?

Tell and adult right away so they can address the situation then.


Your friend from another class wants to talk to you, but you can't hear them because they are across the lunchroom. Do you, 

a.) yell as loud as you can so they hear you 

b.) tell your friend to tell their friend to tell their friend 

c.) wait until recess

c.) wait until recess


When it is quiet in the classroom, I should be doing?

What the teacher has told me to do.


You see a friend in the hallway that looks like they are not feeling well. What should you do?

Inform a teacher or other school personnel (ie, front desk person, principal, nurse) about the person not looking well.


You hear some boys talking about on of the friends in a mean and nasty way, what should yo do?

Tell the teacher so they they can handle the situation.


You don't like your teacher but they are the only one there when you are there. What should you do?

Respect and listen to them no matter what and inform a trusted adult if anything bad happens.


What do you do with food that you do not like?

Eat it, throw it away, or take it back home and let your parent know you don't like the item.


The person sitting next to you is talking while you are doing your work. What should I do?

Raise your hand and let the teacher know that the person next to you will not stop talking.

You see unopened candy on the ground. Should you: 

a) pick it up and eat it

b) leave it on the ground

c) pick it up and throw it away

c) pick it up and throw it away


What the teacher says that it is time to go in what should yo do?

a) listen to the teacher and line up

b) continue playing like you didn't hear them

c) run around the field one more time then line up.

a) listen to the teacher and line up


You are trying to play a game with your friends but they don't want to include you, what do you do?

Answers may vary.


If you go to the bathroom during lunch and forget to wash your hands, what do you do, 

a.) go back and wash them 

b.) wipe them on your pants 

c.) eat the rest on my food with nasty hands

a.) go back and wash them


Your teacher is teaching a topic that you don't really care about. You are super tired and want to lay your head down. What do you do?

Continue to listen to the teacher because what they are teaching is important, and there may be a test on the information.


Someone in line keeps pushing and shoving you. What should you do?

Inform the teacher so that they can intervene.


You are playing a game that requires you to "tag" another student. How should you do it?

Softly without grabbing that person.


One of your friends is talking very inappropriately to you and is trying to put their hands on you. What should you do?

Inform your friend that you do not want to talk about those things and that the way she is touching you is not right. Then let the teacher know right away about what happened.


You overhear your friends talking about inappropriate things and they try to get you to talk about it also. What should you do?

Tell them you don't want to talk about those things and that you are going to tell the teacher becuase no one should be talking about them.