hallway rules
bathroom rules

When you need something in class what do you do?

Raise your hand 


What are requirements for being in the hall?

You have to be with a staff member 


Do bathroom rules change when your with a different staff member?

No. No matter who takes you your rules stay the same. If the staff that takes your dosen’t know the rules, TELL them.


Whose responsible for your messes?

YOU are, just because we have janitors doesn’t mean you don’t have to clean up after yourself, we share this space and need to do our share.


When should devices be out?

After you have asked a staff member for permission


When directions are being given how should you act

Sitting quietly, facing the speaker, paying attention


How should we be in the hallway at all times?

Silent and against the wall


What are the three steps when using the bathroom?

1. Use the bathroom 

2. Flush 

3. Wash your hands and exit 


Where does food not belong? List 3

The floor

Left on the desk

In your chair


What are devices under for?

Homework, or class work 


When a question is asked how do we answer 

Raise your hand


When is it okay to walk off the line?

Never, when we leave this room the line keeps you safe, Do Not walk off the line for any reason


When we go to the bathroom when are you allowed to go in?

After the line is quietly against the wall


During how should you place your belongings?

Book bags on the back of or next to your chair, lunchboxes and waters placed at the end of your desk, papers, folders, and books in a stack 


What happens when your playing games, texting friends, or on YouTube during class time?

You get your device taken away


During homework time how should we behave?

Sitting quietly focusing on homework 


How do you show staff your ready to go

But your peace signs up finger on your lip


When your in the bathroom and someone knocks or calls out what do you do?

Answer! If they are knocking it’s to know if there’s any kids in the bathroom, adults and kids can’t go together and answering keeps you from getting left behind and adults from getting in trouble 


When should another person have your food?

Never. We don’t share food, germs spread and get people sick. Don’t touch or let others touch your food!


When should another student have your device?

Never, we don’t share devices 


How should we be seated?

In our chair, feet on the ground, facing your table 


When your given and instruction by staff what should be your response.

Follow the instruction given without talking back. We tell you things to keep you safe and to keep things running smoothly, talking back makes simple things harder.


What should we not be doing in the bathrooms? List three:


Looking under stalls

Waiting around when your not going 


When you leave this room what should you do?

Grab all your things, stack your chair, clean up any mess you leave behind, and quietly wait by the door.

How should your shut down your device?

Close tab, exit guest, power down. Don’t just close it you’ll mess up the laptop/ cause it to die faster.