What is open Mindedness?
Having your mind open to new information and new ideas
What is intelligence measured by?
Your ability to change
What does open mindedness entail? 1
Someone who approaches life with an eagerness to learn
By embracing different view points:
It enlarges your way of thinking
Because you will be open to the views of other people you can learn from your mistakes, it causesin us:
Personal growth
Why is the human mind alot like a human egg?
The human egg shuts down after one sperm gets in, our minds do the same thing. It is our nature to close our minds around favorite ideas and not take other ideas into consideration
What is used by some people to open thier minds?
What does open mindedness entail? 2
A willingness to be wrong
Because you have more than one way to look at things it:
Increases your options in making decisions
You can make better decisions because you have:
More options to choose from
What is the difference between a open and a closed mind?
It is how they approach obstacles and challenges
What is an optimist?
A person who opens thier mind by observingand thinking in positive mode
What does open mindedness entail? 3
Accepting people for who they are
Because it promotes unity and teamwork rather than being judgmental it:
Causes growth in relationships
By learning to listen and not assume, it will enlarge how you see things by:
Learning to collect the facts
Being open minded means:
Willing to accept all kinds of opinions
Questions all answers
Is the ability to listen objectively[ without judging]
Looking at different points of view
What is a pessimist?
Someone who closes thier mind by seeing what is missing and wrong by thinking negatively
What does open mindedness entail? 4
Listening without judging
Because it changes your routine it:
Encourages positive change
Because you have made better decisions:
You feel better about yourself and more confident
Are you open minded?
Personal answer
What is being positive?
What does open mindedness entail? 5 & 6
Thinking about all sides of an issue
Being open to new ideas
Because you will make fair and reasonable decisions rather than personal ones it:
Builds trust in relationships
Because you feel more confident you:
Are happier