Social Media
Video Calls
Real or Fake
Personal Information
Cyber Bullying

What is social media (list apps) and who can use it?










Can someone screenshot a video call or video message?

Yes they can.


What is the difference between a real person/friend online and a fake person/friend online?

A real friend is someone you have met in person before and you have connected with online.

Someone fake may be someone you have never seen or met in person and you do not know if they are who they say they are.


What is your own personal information?

Full name


Phone Number

Date of Birth



Bank or Credit card information

School name


What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying  is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means or online.


How long do posts and photos stay online?


Even once you delete content people may have screenshot or saved what you shared. It is always best to think about this before you post something.


Do you get notified if someone screenshots your video call? Why might this be a good/bad thing?

No you do not.

They could take a screenshot of you and share it without your knowledge.


If you aren’t sure about someone online who can you ask for help?

A trusted adult such as parents, teachers or older sibling.


What personal information is safe to share?

Your first name

Your age


List 5 examples of how you could be cyber bullied.

  • hurtful messages, comments or images
  • messages, posts or comments that say someone will do something mean
  • leaving you out or ignoring you online 
  • spreading lies about you online
  • creating fake online profiles in someone’s name to trick you
  • sharing something online that can hurt you or make you feel bad, like a picture you don’t want anyone to see
  • threatening to share something online that will hurt you or make you feel bad

What privacy setting should you have your social media on? Why is this important?

Always have your privacy on the highest setting possible. So that you have to approve anyone who wants to see your posts or information.

This is important so that you know who is viewing your information and people who you don’t want viewing it can’t share it elsewhere. It also means people you don’t know cannot contact you.


Who should you video call with?

Close friends and family members


What are some signs that someone might not be who they say they are online? Name 3

They are asking a lot of personal and private questions.

Asking to keep a friendship/messages a secret

Information they give you might not make sense.

They make inappropriate comments about your looks and body.

Ask for favors and promise gifts/favors.


What personal information is not safe to share online? Why?

Full name

Date of birth


Phone number

Bank or credit card details

Passwords and usernames

If a stranger or a bad person gets this information they may be able to steal private information or even money.


If someone says something mean online, should you say something mean back? What do you think would happen if you did?

Try not to say anything back this is what the bully wants, a reaction — it could make things worse.


What things might be inappropriate to post or send on your social media?

General rule: think about if you would want your grandma to read or see what you have shared online. If you wouldn’t want her to see it, then rethink sharing it.


Where is it safe for you to be video calling someone?

It is always best to video call people close to others and trusted adults in case something goes wrong so they can help. Or in a room with the door open.


Who can we trust online?

Family members

Friends who we have approved to view our private profiles

People we have met in person and know that this person is who they say they are.


Name 5 ways someone could learn your personal information online.

Shared in a message

Shared in the background of a photo

Shared in the background of a video

On a phone call (someone talking in the background)

Shared in a game


How can you tell if someone is bullying you or if someone is joking?

If someone is trying to hurt your feelings then this is not a joke, this is cyber bullying.

If you are good friends with someone and they make a joke and know it will not hurt your feelings and that it will make you laugh then this is a joke.


What can you do if someone is making inappropriate comments or messages to you on social media?

Tell a trusted adult like parents, teachers or older siblings.

Block and report them without responding to the message or comment.


What are the appropriate behaviors whilst on a video call/chat with someone? Are they different to when you see or talk to someone in person?

Acting in the same way you would do if you were in a public place with the friend you were talking it.

Always ensure you are dressed appropriately and are not swearing or saying inappropriate comments as you cannot see who is listening.


What can you do if you think someone might be trying to trick you or isn’t who they say they are?

Tell a trusted adult

Block and report them on the online app or website you are using

Report to police if needed.


What could happen if someone has access to your personal information online?

People can steal private information from you and use this in an illegal way. They could also steal money and access private details.

How can you respond to a cyber bully and what can you do if someone is cyber bullying you?

Tell someone you trust like your parents or teacher

Block them and report them for cyber bullying.

Do not respond to their message or comment, try to ignore it or they get what they want which is a reaction from you.