This is a really good food that we take with us on trips for Belen.
What is Belen's favorite movie.
Her favorite movie is THE PARENT TRAP!!!
Monekys say WHAT!
This food is good we sometimes eat it and it is someones favorite food? What is this food?
Seco de pollo (I don't know how to spell chicken in spanish so if its wrong then sorry)
“Hasta La Vista, Baby!” what movie is this from
From the film The Terminator
What is the most selled book ever!
The Bible!!!!
This is a place that the whole family loves but it does not sit well in our tummys.:(
Can you name at least one movie out of the top ten that won an oscar.
Why is a badodadabob for?
I Don't Know!!!!! ( I am triking you HEHEHE )