What did Osiris rule?
Duat/underworld/Field of reeds
What was Ammits gender
What god was Anubis
God of the dead
Who rules Duat?
Who is the god of the Field of Reeds?
Who Killed Osiris
What animal was on Ammits Head.
What did Anubisis skin color symbolize?
it symbolized the Nile river's soil.
What were the entrances of Duat?
What would happen to your stuff after you die and enter the Field of reeds?
All of your belongings would be returned to you.
What's Osiris's wife's name?
Why did Ammit have the head of a crocodile, the upper body of a lion, and the lower body of a hippo.
It symbolized the three deadliest animals of the Nile river.
What was Anubis the protector of?
Who was the most evil Spirit in Duat?
Serpent monster Apep
What was the Field of Reeds visualized as
Perfect with crops, animals, and a perfect lifestyle.
Why was Osiris's skin green?
It represents new life, and rebirth.
What was Ammits job
To eat the souls of sinners
What did Anubis Invent?
Mummification process
Who would eat the hearts if it was heavier than a feather?
What would Egyptians include in your tomb
Figurines, Amulets
What goddess was Isis?
The goddess of healing, and rebirth.
What does Ammit's name mean?
It means 'devourer' or 'soul eater'
What did craftsmen include Anubis on?
Coffins for royalty/Elites
How would Apep threaten people in Duat?
By telling them he would eat the sun god Ra
How would you enter the afterlife
By sailing from the boats that were placed in your tomb