Judaism is a ___________ religion (montheistic or polytheistic)
Who is Jesus of Nazareth?
He is the central figure of Christianity and is believed to be the Son of God.
What is the holy book of Islam?
What is the Qur’an?
Who founded Buddhism?
Who is Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)?
What is a major belief in Hinduism?
The belief in reincarnation and karma?
What is the holy book of Judaism?
What is the Torah?
What are the gospels?
The first four books of the New Testament that tell the story of Jesus’s life.
Who is Muhammad?
He is the prophet of Islam who received revelations from God.
Where did Buddhism originate?
In India
Hinduism is a _____ religion, with belief in multiple gods and goddesses
What are some Holy Days in Judaism?
What are Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, and Hanukkah?
Who are the Apostles?
The twelve chosen disciples of Jesus who became his closest followers and carried on his teachings after his death.
Why is Mecca important in Islam?
It is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the holiest city in Islam.
A state of enlightenment that ends the cycle of suffering and rebirth
Hinduism's origins can be traced back thousands of years to the ancient _______.
Ancient Indus Valley Civilization.
What is the significance of the Torah?
It is the most sacred text and contains the laws and teachings of Judaism.
What role did Paul play in Christianity?
He was a key figure in spreading Christian teachings after Jesus’s death.
What is the significance of the Qur’an?
It became the guide for Muslims in matters of faith, worship, and daily life.
What are the The Four Noble Truths?
What are a set of Buddhist teachings that state that suffering exists, has a cause, can be ended, and can be ended through a specific path?
How does reincarnation work in Hinduism?
It is the belief that the soul is reborn in different forms based on karma.
What is a major teaching of Judaism?
The belief in one God (monotheism).
What is a parable?
A short story that conveys a moral lesson, often used by Jesus.
Muhammad and his followers endured persecution and were forced to flee to the city of ________.
_________ consists of steps or guidelines for leading a moral and fulfilling life.
The Eightfold Path consists of eight steps or guidelines for leading a moral and fulfilling life.
What is the caste system?
It is a social hierarchy that determines one's profession and social relationships.